Battery charger recommendations

I need a extra batt chargers and was wondering what was good these days. Right now i have a old xtar 2 bay that has literally been plugged in and working since 2010 and a vc4 i got a few years later . So u can say im def a fan of xtar chargers. I had one nitecore over the years that went on fire so no nitecore for me.

I was looking at the xtar vc4sl and the miboxer 8 bay.


I’ve had a Miboxer 4 bay for years now, and it works great for me. Best part is I use it for AA and AAA batteries as well.


I’ve had the xstar 4 for a while 2 years or so does what it says on the box no problem so far it wasn’t to expensive but I’m in the uk


Yea they dont die. I think iv only unplugged mine for 1 day since 2010 and have countless thousands of charges on them and it works like the day i got it


Opus all the time, every time over here. The 3100 was upgraded with newer firmware, and improved fan in the 3400. Most people will only use HALF of it’s features. AAA all the way up to 26550.


Looks good. A lol more then i want to spend for a 4bay though


Hehe, you get what you pay for. Now as stated above, most casual users won’t use HALF the functions of it.

  1. CHARGE: Charge battery with 200, 300, 500, 700 and 1000 (2000) milliamp
  2. DISCHARGE: same rates for charge in reverse.
  3. DISCHARGE REFRESH: Discharges then recharges the battery three times. The discharger-refresh automatically cycles 3 times
  4. CHARGE TEST: Charges then discharges and charges the battery. It will show discharge current. Great to determine if a battery should be retired (after discharge-refresh).
  5. QUICK TEST: Measures the IR (internal resistance). IR is another way to see if a battery is getting old or needs to be retired.

Not sure how low your price point is, but being able to set your charging current should also be a must have as well. No sense baking your batteries, charging them too hot/fast.


I hear you. Setting charge amperage is a must or at least be set at 1a charging. I never charge cells over 1aThats why i was looking at the miboxer. I believe it can do mostly everything you mentioned. Im not sure exactly what features are in its repair mode.

The xtar vs4sl also has all the features you mentioned.


I don’t know the miboxer or xtar, so I can’t compare them directly. I think I started out at 1A charging way back, but shifted it down to 500mA (0.5A) for less heat, and more life. How much, is another story. Mine stays FULL 24/7, as I always have 4 cells in there charging.

Yea i was getting so tired of only having 4 bays and constantly charging batteries. A 8 bay would be a nice addition

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I just got a system down, but maybe you need an 8 bay.

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Thats a great article for people. Anyone vaping should know all they can about lithium cells. I have a pretty vast knowledge of electronics so i know the ins and outs just not the durabilty of the newer chargers since i havent been charger shopping in a long time.

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i have been using this great for 21700

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I’ve been using the Nitecore New i4 for a few years, I acually just bought a second one a couple months ago because I had so many mods running at once with the recipe testing…


I think thats the one i had that went on fire

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oh shit… maybe thats why they on sale ? no flames here though…

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I just went back and re-read your post, sorry! forget my recommendation


Not so much flames but it was smoking and red hot. I think its poorly designed heatsinks and fan


They have a 4 bay as well