You won’t regret it later. This is a huge step up from regular vaping.
Yeah man I’m with PV here…especially the way everything is headed and all these new coils…you’re almost going to need another one, if you don’t already
I know. I’m phsyced. This is uncharted waters for me. Suggestions are welcome.
Well you know my vote brother
What other tanks do you have? I don’t remember
So looking at the link @quitter1 provided, why are the quad coils cheaper than the triples? That just seems backwards to me?
Tanks?..Atlantis V2
They may be easier to produce.
So the atlantis and the TF4V?
I can’t decide between the triple, quad or the titanium coil for my TF4V…I have the rba coming but I’m stuck haha
And cigabuy is a legit coil vendor? Dont mean to offend the poster it just seems odd to by them by the pc when they are normally in a pack
Stock with the kit is a single RBA. I’m gonna purchase a couple duels and if I find out that the quad or sick six are that much better I’ll be buying coils until I can’t anymore.
My cloud kit does not come with the RBA sadly so I have to order one. From what I have gathered the triple is kinda the best way to go as far as balance…I may just buy 1 6 to try…I mean come on a 6 coil?? Gotta at least try it right
Cigabuy has a clone Istick 100w for 24.99
My question is how can the clone have the branding from Eleaf on it, isn’t that grounds for a law suit?
I have always wondered this myself!?! In anything else that’s definitely grounds for a lawsuit!! But I see this A LOT in the vape world!?
It’s the fact they have clones that worry me about their coils ya know
I just got the xcube 2from them and it is authentic according to the website… I verified it so…I would say… they is legit
Ok cool! I didn’t mean to offend ya or anything, I’m just weary of places that sell knock-offs/clones at times. Man I REALLY want to snag up some of those coils!! But you know how my last 2 hours just went…but…then again what’s another $40-50!
no offense man™ …at all sorry to come off like that
Oh no no man, I wasn’t saying you came off like that or anyway! You my dude! lol
I just didn’t want you to think I was shittin on your post is all
So I just read 5 different reviews that say they sell cloned chinese equipment that’s why the prices are so cheap
If you like your authentic e-cigs and things they sell, shop elswere, if you like cheap chinese made clones there are some very good deals here
Everything what i have got from them, is more or less broken.
I won’t buy from here again and I’d advise you nor to. They sent defective product and offered a fraction of the value in store credit as compensation. Very poor way to do business and they’ve lost mine ad a result.
Do not order from this website. I would never again. Fake coils and cloned equip for cheap price
SOOOOO that sucks…cause their prices do seem good but I’m not willing to risk it (sorry chinamen)
I verified my xcube on the smok website and says authentic… idk I guess if it says authentic it is?
How long did it take you to get it? People said it took like a week or 2 before they even processed their order?
I’m thinking since I can buy individual coils, I may just get 1 or 2 to test them first…if they’re bunk then nothing really lost but if they are solid then it’s bulk time!
I ordered sun last weekend so mon was a holiday it shipped out Tue and I had it in hand and updated by 2:00 pm Thur eastern time…