Best budget Sub-Ohm tank?

Thanks bro. I got one on the way $22. Hell of a deal there. Now i can get a deck, and just ordered the deck for $10 authentic. Sweet :slight_smile:

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Haha, no problem, just paying it forward :slight_smile: Where did you find the deck for $10?

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Well now i will have the crown , the billow v2 , kangertech sub mini. That should work for a while lol

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Just used Lightning Vapes for another set of coils for the Crown. $8.02 shipped using the discount code “LVCyberMonday”. Can’t beat it!

If your’e looking for budget, surely you cant go past the iSub G from inokin. Coils as cheap as chips And they last a good while too. Ive had mine a while now - cost me 25 when all the others where 40+. But remember, the key word here is “budget”… just be careful, coz you might just get what you pay for.


What about the EH PRO MORPH tank? Plenty of options
to use up your old coil’s with all of the adaptors that come with it and an rba to build your own. Best of both worlds. :smile:

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I love my Delta II by Joyetech. It was cheap, the coils work very well and you can buy the rba deck separately. Good vapor production and great flavor. I think I paid 15.00 for the tank (came with 2 coils) and then bought 3 RBA decks for 2.00 ea.(clearance sale).

EDIT: forgot to mention that filing it is a bit of a pain as you will need a syringe or needle tipped bottle. Standard dropper tip would be a challenge. The walls of the inner tank and chimney are very close.


I bought one of those awhile back and ended up giving it to my son. He loves it.


More or less. Sub-ohm literally means less than 1.0 ohms. When people talk about sub-ohm tanks they mean tanks for which the manufacturer makes sub-ohm coils. Such coils are not gonna work in any tank. The main thing, IMO, is you need more airflow than a lot of older tanks provided (Protanks and the like). It does not usually refer to Rebuildable Tank Atomizers (RTAs) or Rebuildable Drip Atomizers (RDAs) though I guess a manufacturer can call their product whatever the heck they like. Rebuildable atomizer (RBA) coils are not available for all sub ohm tanks, but when they are available you have the best of both worlds, IMO.


Still have mine and use them. RBA all the way.

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I have had my isub for about 4 months now and it’s great on the cool fire 4 but think it’s time for upgrade going for the pioneer4you ipv 4s and crown to go with it I don’t know how sub ohming can be budget it’s to addictive and always want bigger and better :flushed::kissing::dash::dash::dash: thinking of the tfv4 to go along with it as well

People seem to want you to build your own coils. If you have a device that can run 50-100 watts, get the Crown by Uwell. If you run lower than that, get the subtank mini. I will say that the Crown, is superior in every way, just needs a lot of power. The sub tank is awesome for people with low power devices. These are basically the most reliable, and best money for your buck tanks there are for replacement coils.

Thanks I just ordered 2 sets of the .5’s $16.05

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Love the Crown tank and I run the .5 as low as 35watts up to 80 watts, run the .25 at 50watts to 120watts with no problems at all. I have never used the 1.2 coils but they should vape at lower watts if thats your thing. The top refill is the best thing going for any tank never having to remove it from your mod.

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I got the crown with rba deck and the billow v2 that will be here Friday. I love my sub tanks

Is there a coupon code? Site says 26.00

Is there a coupon code?

Just type in BLACKFRIDAY. Just like this. It came down to $22.94. Plus $3 for expadieded shipping

I gpt this in today. Was $22 of ebay. The billow v2.

Nice tank. Put a deul 26g 8 wrap SS on 2.5mm. 0.26ohms. Working great. No leaks. Great vaper and flavor. My only complaint is the screws in the deck was way way small.

Thank you! stupid me it was at the top of the page. Got one coming.

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