Best Rta … I’m in love again. After a long wait came Ammit (geekvape) finally home with me … and Oh my. 5 rounds Fused clapton SS316, spaced 3mm and a spot Cotton bacon. Filled up with
thanks to @Ken_O_Where for inspiration and … now it do not need to be better. In class the best taste I’ve experienced in a long time. Are there others who have tried Ammint?
I had a mint on my pillow the other night, at the Opry Mills Hotel…
it was good, but not as good as the English Cream Toffee you get from Creme de Vape.
You can send your Griffin my way if you would like :}
I could be a stupid Dane, but I’m not Compared to what I whrote … this makes no sence to me and … I think Monty Python have the humor :-)))))
Fancy hotels put a mint (candy) on your pillow.
Creme de Vape sends out a toffee candy with each vape order.
You just had a ‘typo’ in your reply, i.e. Ammint instead of Ammit
for the atty name.
Sorry you didn’t get the humor…I tried to be funny.
I got it @ozo if that counts for anything.
Don’t let puns be used in vain. Especially spelling mistake puns. Let them live. Keep it punny.
Won’t ship to Canada
Again…Great deal , but they will not ship to Canada
When it comes to vaping I may be in a third world country . lol
Lol try being in Au we are a 4th world country.
True, I just find anything to do with vaping is hard to come by.
The ironic part is that you would have a lot more luck within 3rd world countries they won’t have the regs yet. The whole problem is that we are in first world countries. Not that I’m saying Indonesia is 3rd world as I don’t think it is. But it’s a lot less regulated and look at it light up for vaping.
Come on government, open it up please, harm reduction is the next wave for all our human foibles.
Happy new year vapers.
Smiling … sorry, no I didn’t get it, my fault. Maybe I was a little too sensitive :-))))