Best smelling bakery flavors out of the bottle

CAP lemon meringue pie
I think i have the V1

smells great in the bottle and in a mix, best meringue flavour IMO
crust is basically non-existant


Cool, I just put in my order but I’ll add that to my future order list.

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@Mediocre_Remedial right now I’m obsessing over Sterling Cloud’s Sweet Potato Pie. It is OUTSTANDING both in the bottle, and in the tank !!!


Oooooh, okay. I gotta check out that website. Maybe my next order will be from them. Thanks!


By the way, I was reading one of your reviews and my immature sense of humor had me laughing out loud at this. :skull_and_crossbones:


I’m 100% convinced that razzleberry is the base flavor for sadboy punchberry. Same exact smell and the taste is sooo close, needs some type of lemon. I should have ordered more razzleberry. I think I need to bump the % up past 3%. It was the first juice I bought when I started vaping, and the reason I thought commercial juices tasted like crap when I tried other juice flavors. Couldn’t find anything as good as sadboy flavors, they’re wayyyyy too sweet to me now though. And rainbow blood has a strong blueberry juicy flavor, I could never figure out the supporting flavor(s) though.

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Is it full bodied or does it need help?


@natbone I 10/10’d it, so for my tastes, it’s really good solo.


There comes a point where too much flavoring will cause muting.


Yeah… I’ve done a lot over overflavoring. Reminds me of this one. It’s gotta be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted. I don’t know how I even vaped more than half the bottle. It was so foul tasting. I dumped it out yesterday. The flavor never changed. I even tried to cut it in half. After I made this is when I gave up trying to make something crazy out of flavors that simply “sounded good.”

Same exact level of nasty.


I know that taste well. I call it burnt tires and a$$holes.


I tried a juice at a vape store one time that tasted like burnt tires. I almost had to wonder if the guy begind the counter just had an extra nasty one for people who asked to try too many flavors. It was supposed to be blueberry donut. It was a donut alright, the kind that sits underneath the trunk. That was one of my big motivations for going DIY.


Chemnovatic lemon cream wafer is a must if you like lemon bakeries.
Chemnovatics cookie is pretty good aswell, quite similar to fa cookie that if you already have fa i would say you wouldnt really need to rush out & buy it tbh.

Cap cookie crumble is a very good shout, not much of a cookie on its own, but add it to fa cookie you have a lovely rich buttery cookie, to me cap CC is more butter than cookie really, but its that nice rich butteryness that most cookies are missing, it still has cookie flavour to it but to me its more like generic buttery bakery than actually being identifiable as a cookie on its own. Bloody good flavour to have in your stash though i use it in so many recipes. With cap CC & fa cookie you wont really ever want/need another cookie, by adjusting %'s you can make a softer/whiter or darker grainier cookie, ie - cap CC 1% & fa 2% will give a nice darker buttery cookie, but up the cap CC to 2.5% & lower fa to 1% & it gives a much lighter/softer cookie, then you can mess around with %'s balancing them to suit whatever type of recipe you are making, its quite strong for a cap flavour aswell, 1-3% is all i ever need but you can go quite a bit higher if needed.
IMO cap cookie crumble is a 100% must have if you are a cookie/bakery lover.

Crumble topping is great on its own & with peach recipes, but i havent had much luck getting it to play nice with much else really, made some ok recipes but nothing worth raving about, but throw it in a peach cream recipe its a totally different ball game, its a wierd one for sure but it is an amazing flavour, especially when you solo it, i almost went through a whole single flavour test just knuckle testing it because it was so nice,lol.

For cakes theres only 2 i really ever use anymore & those are SSA homemade sponge cake & WF fluffy white cake. I also liked SSA lemon pound cake but never re upped on it for some reason? I went through my 10ml test bottle a while back & never really found myself needing/wanting to mix with it again? I think i might have to re-up & do some more experimenting with that one soon? I also remember likeing fw birthday cake.


Awesome! Thanks for the detailed response!

I’m actually curious since you mentioned this, do you think this would pair well with the cap cookie crumble and Fuji apple?


Not sure about the apple? but i know it works well with cap cookie crumble, just keep the cookie crumble low, like 1% is plenty, then 1-1.5% crumble topping is the most i ever need really, & i do actually use them together quite often tbh, they are both in my peach cream recipe that i mix very regularly.
But like i said, i never had much luck getting crumble topping to play nice with anything other than peach, not sure why that is? I have a nice raspberry ripple recipe that it worked pretty good in but i had to lower the crumble topping to 0.75% otherwise it just messed up the exhale of the vape, thats the only other recipe that i managed to get crumble topping to play nicely in, its a wierd one i have never known another flavour be as finicky to work with,lol, but it is still a very nice flavour.


Interesting. Ok, I’ll definitely keep that in mind. I can’t wait to try it!


Oh, cant believe i even forgot to mention this one, & even after you mentioned an apple recipe aswell, but FA apple pie is soo good, doesnt taste like apple at all, literally zero apple in there, but the bakery/pie base is fantastic, & it would work brilliant in an apple recipe, another one i use in so many recipes.


It is interesting how taste is so subjective.

I recently did a bulk purchase of FA Cookie and the vendor sent the order in dropper bulb bottles, I could smell it before I even opened the box & my spare room smelt like a bakery for days.
Thankfully for me, Cookie smells divine :star_struck:

Good luck with your search :eyes:


Congrats on the “room freshener” @Sevencasper. Are you able to move that flavor into a better bottle, because you know, if you can smell it, your flavor molecules are leaking out…


Thanks for looking out for me SD.
I ordered new bottles the same day, only waited until they were delivered then rebottled them all :+1: