I would love to try them and give feedback if any spots are left. So am I to understand this carrier cuts down on steeping and is shake and vape friendly?
Id certainly be interested in testing some 1,3P flavorings.
I love the sounds of reduced steeping ,I would love to test it if you have a spot left.
@Walt_RealFlavors I had read about the PD sometime last year when a popular juice maker was supposedly going to be using it in there products in place of PG. Not sure if they ever did or not. Have you substituted just the plain PD in place of PG in your mixes, and if so would you please share your results?
Beta 2 test review
Reviewed 9days ago…Copy and pasted from document sent to @Walt_RealFlavors
Beta 2 Flavor Test review of flavors provided Real Flavors…
Mixed 40/60 PG/VG at 18% flavor.
Steeped 2 weeks (no heat treatment) after froth treatment at mixing time.
Vaped in Goblin Mini RTA at 1 ohm Mouth to Lung
Baked Bread: Just like walking through the kitchen with the smell of a loaf of bread in the oven, and with a flavor to match that smell…Very smooth vape that didn’t change much at different wattages. A singular tasting vape with not a lot of layered complexities…Would blend well with peanut butter/fruit jelly kinda blend…Perhaps butter and cinnamon. There seemed to be almost sort of a potato bread essence to this flavor, but certainly not a dry vape as I initially anticipated.
Ginger Ale: Light/mild taste of the beverage with a little sweetness to it, but not an overwhelming flavor…Again a very smooth vape as are most of the Real Flavors, but for me, not too much to write home about.
Short Bread Cookie:…This was a tasty flavor reminiscent of the Girl Scout cookie, only tastier, and with an essence of sprinkled sugar…It too, produced an air of walking through the kitchen with cookies in the oven…Not a dry vape, as I anticipated, as Shortbread cookies often require a slug of milk to help wash them down…This flavor did not engender that feeling at all…A pleasant experience which started out light and increased as my tank warmed up.
Oatmeal Cookie:… This flavor did not do much for me, as I was anticipating a sort of spongy/chewy effect that a good oatmeal cookie has in its’ ingredients…Was perhaps hoping for a raisin touch, but the vape did not capture it for me…It seemed dry to me…Oatmeal flavor was light and not very evident.
Baklava 1 : This flavor was very pleasing as it captured the honey/sweet blend…And it wasn’t over bearing in the least, as many honey flavors are notorious for being too overpowering…This Baklava captured the essence of the saucy part of the flavor of the dessert…It had a moist sweetness which was a pleasant vaping experience, and again, very smooth.
Baklava 2: A totally different experience from Baklava 1 in that it lacked the honey/sweet aspect of the dessert, however, it did capture the dry, sort of flakelike, portion of the dessert…Also, there was a slight nuttiness essence to the vape.
Those observations made for the two Baklavas said… make the idea of combining both Baklava flavors together to create the whole for a complete experience of a piece of Baklava, a reasonable possibility. I think this is an experiment worth experimenting with.
White Chocolate:…Not being a white chocolate fan, I expected a bland combination of weak tasting chocolate with a slight hint of vanilla…What I tasted was more of a creamy chocolate which was light, and there did seem to be a slight vanilla ingredient, but there also appeared a faint spicy hint, which is indescribable… As my tank warmed up, the creaminess increased and became more smooth and the chocolate (though still light) did become a bit more pronounced…and with no waxy over or undertones which was another expectation I had…A pleasant surprise
Sweet Potato:… This flavor is the one that I most looked forward to vaping based on its’ smell from the container…and was not disappointed…The flavor tops this list of flavors for its’ uniqueness in vape flavor experience…An accurate representation of a sweet potato served at the table with a drizzle of sweet sauce for dinner…The most bold flavor of the collection…Would blend excellently with marshmallow and perhaps a small amount of butter…Perhaps a bit of the cranberry that gets picked up by your fork, alongside the sweet potato while we eat at Thanksgiving…
Overall, these Flavors are definitely a departure from “Run of the mill” flavor profiles in the DIY mixing environment…They are mild flavors, however,and most of them tend to be focused on 1 flavor experience, without a lot of layers of complexity…That said, I believe that in order to get the most from them, one will need to be creative in effective pairing of 2 or more flavors to create some very interesting and unique vape profiles…And given the vast array of flavors that Real Flavors is releasing, I believe that some beautiful, and unique vape experiences can be created…
Anyone looking to test these should definitely order a 30ml sample (free sample, but you pay shipping) of LiquidLabs propanediol, cuz of the possibilities it opens for stuff like this:
Vender started a thread here if you’re interested in this carrier base.
Also, of course I’m always up for testing new RF betas, regardless of the carrier base. Are you thinking two samples of the same flavor with different base, or just a couple different propanediol based flavorings?
I would be very interested in testing flavors extracted in PD/PDO. I’m actually using some PD in conjunction with some of your flavorings when I mix them and it has definitely sped up the steep time and allowed me to use lower flavor % as well. Speaking of which, when does the next batch of Beta flavors come out on the site?
Ahh I just saw farther up the page that the Betas got pushed back a little per your comment. I look forward to an opportunity to try them!
I’d definitely be interested in this if you still need another tester! I’m about to place an order with liquidlabs for a sample bottle of their base and I’d love to test it all out together.
I would be interested In testing the flavors. put me in coach I’m ready
Excited for baklava and sweet potato for sure. I have my own baklava eliquid but it’s about 0.8% PG based and I’d love to remove that if possible.
The flaky crust is tough for me without switching in some PG concentrates.
I’ve been using propanediol with most of your VG flavors to carry overall flavor better. 10% total of the eliquid is a good starting point and has helped with some of the muted batches I had.
I even have topped off test bottles that were a bit muted and the propanediol seemed to help a lot.
Smoked Banana Custard is s flavor I would love to have. I made a really ejuice recipe of it but an actual concentrate would be amazing
Thanks for the info. It helps a lot!
Beta 3 update:
In my last note I said I’d try 2 of the flavors again, but mixed higher at 12% 30/70 PG/VG. Here’s my notes (after an 18 day steep).
Pumpkin Pie: Tested on a freshly wicked dripper. It’s got a bit of a bite, but this time I’m getting pumpkin pie spices (nutmeg/ginger) which is odd since all I got was pumpkin and crust in the test at 8%. Maybe I didn’t shake the flavoring enough on the first batch? But revisiting that first batch now, it’s not got that bite, so maybe 10% would be perfect with a 3 week steep?
Lemon Iced Tea: Testing in a fresh-rebuilt Subtank RBA. After going thru half a tank I’d say it’s a bit bitter, but flavor is definitely there now. Might be a little light on the lemon, and like with real tea some folks may prefer it with a bit of sweetener. After dropping 10 drops of a random Vanilla Ice Cream tester and refilling with a mix of the old 8% batch and the new 12% and giving it a good swirl, I’d say it’s pretty nice.
Cinnamon Roll
More testing and more flavors ha
Afternoon Walt!
I have some of the Propanediol on the way to me from Liquid Labs (1000ml) and I would love to beta test some of those flavors when they are available for the “new vape juice” revolution.