Beta Testing New Flavors :D

I’m surprised the Joy doesn’t work for you for that. All I can think of when I taste it is powdered sugar. I don’t get any of the other flavors that are said to be there. I haven’t tried it mixed with meringues yet, but that sounds interesting.

I’m looking forward to hearing some reviews on these. :wink:

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I think Joy tastes like powdered sugar as well @JoJo, IMO the meringue enhances the dry sweetness.I also use INW Biscuit as it seems to help with the texture feel as well as compliment whatever bakery item you are trying to replicate.
My problem is the same as most who mix on this forum, we hate to be settlers!:grinning:
My hope is the powdered sugar from Real Flavors will do a better job with only the one ingredient.


Darn , I missed out , I’ve been down and out for weeks , turns out I’ve been walking around with pneumonia ! Be interesting to read the reviews regardless !


missed out been to sick to stand lately :cold_sweat::disappointed_relieved::sleepy::sob:


Welcome back… I knew I haven’t seen you for a while.[quote=“quitter1, post:144, topic:51600, full:true”]
missed out been to sick to stand lately

I haven’t seen much of you either. Good to hear from you!

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Been hiding out ! Been a horrible year so far for getting sick. I’ve had the flu , pneumonia , and I picked up a bug in the Dominican a while back …brutal . That’s three though so hopefully I’ll be good for the year


Have you tried FW Natural Blackberry? I found it recently available on ECX and I really like it. No soap, perfume or chemical junk going on whatsoever…Just thought I’d ask.

Keep us posted everyone… I’ll def have to get in on round 2 of the testers haha

I will have them on Monday:

March 5, 2016 , 9:58 pm
Arrived at USPS Destination Facility

Good thing i just cleaned up a bunch of tester bottles. @Walt_RealFlavors do you guys have a retail location? Curious as i get over that way a couple times a year.

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So how about on the betas? Everything I clicked on on the website was between 5 to 10% so if there isn’t a specific recommendation, I figure I’ll start with 5% on everything.

Lik-M-Stix flavor so I can dip it in Grape, Cherry and Orange. And I’m not kidding, I absolutely love that candy stick flavor even more than the dip. I’ve tried to replicate it with e-liquid and fail every time. Someone may able to but I can’t, believe me I’ve tried. Yea I know, I have 3 kids and I’m the biggest one at my house in ways.


Can’t wait to hear the feedback on the Powdered Sugar and the Cream 02. Please be sure and leave feedback once tested everyone!

We base those percentages on customer feedback, so to be honest that is one of the goals of the beta testers :smiley:

That’s an interesting flavor. To get it right, it has to be aromatic and sweet.

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For aromatic flavors I would suggest the following
Kewra (flower of pandanus plant)

I make saffron creme brulee with orange zest. That would make a great vape flavor.

We have Custard apple ice cream and Sapodilla shake very popular where I come from. Very unique and refreshing flavors.


Just got home and mine arrived today, got damn these are packaged well enough to survive a nuke, hehehe.

Is there a post or link to match the numbers to which version flavor?

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Got mine as well. Re-bottling into my normal mixing bottles and getting ready to make 14 single flavor test mixes. I will start all at 5% with exception of the Molasses which I will start at 2%. I may even add some of it to a pecan pie recipe I have been playing with.


I was thinking the same thing, my allergies are insane today and yet i have no problems smelling any of them. They smell quite strong. I also did a finger taste test on them after shaking the holy hell out of them, pretty good so far. Have to say cooked pear smell, umm, yeah. But then again cooked pears dont smell good but depending on how they are cooked, yum.

Got a batch of 50 X 15ml bottles that should be here tomorrow or Wednesday, finally. Ill get to mixing these and report on my opinion.

I am super excited to see what everyone is thinking about these. I love coming up with new and exciting blends :smiley:

Also if I do not reply to your message directly, do not think I did not see your request :slight_smile: I promise I read everyone and write down notes.


And just where is that?