Beta Testing New Flavors :D

Is there a list so that i can convert the numbers on the bottle to the V1 and V2 version for Honeydew and Meringue? Pretty sure i can pick out the Rootbeers.

I need to upload that when I get in tmrw morning. Sorry about that one!

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Brad informed me to use the sequential numbers on the bottle, cant believe that i didnt think of that. I might be 83% broKen. :confused:



Mine aren’t due to arrive til tomorrow at the earliest.

Anyone got specific plans so we can avoid duplication of effort? I was thinking of just doing a single batch of each flavor stand-alone at 5% 30/70 P/V and then branching out from there. Bust out the dripper and test shake and vape and then every couple days after. I’m curious what others are gonna do. :slight_smile:

Some of the RF flavors I have received are very sweet. This leads me to ask @Walt_RealFlavors if there are sweeteners in the flavors. Such as sucralose, ethyl maltol, or even actual sugars. It has been suggested that vaping sucralose and EM are somewhat low risk, but actual sugar is fairly risky. Just curious as to what I am vaping.

I only suggested that as a possible solution. I’m 95% broken so a guy that is 83% broken may not want to listen to the guy that is more broken than he is. Just sayin’. But I’m broken so maybe you shouldn’t even bother reading this.


Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I


My betas are awaiting my return home from work. I can’t wait to start playing around with them. I am hearing good things so far from others!

Based on my experience with the sample pack previously I mixed the beta’s last night at 8% to start off. Mixed each flavor to 100% VG and 70/30. I did a test on each as S&V and going to do overnight, 3 day, 5 day and 7 Day at least. So far most of the flavors are still a little faint at 8%, but we’ll see where that takes me. Might do another mix of each at 10% tonight. Once I get good single flavor notes I will start throwing them at some recipes and see how it goes.

Southeast Asia. From a very well known country, Pakistan :slight_smile:

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I got a flavor idea:
Acetoin! :smiley:


I love it! A lot of folks probably had to Google that. Not me…I loved it when I first heard it…1988 I think??

My grubby halo, a vapor trail in the empty air.

In fact, time to change my avatar dammit.


Your avatar is Dark Side of the Moon, but the lyrics were from A Momentary Lapse of Reason, right? :smiley: Man, I love Pink Floyd.


Yeah, but the album cover for MLR is 1, not good for an avatar and 2, not as cool. DSOTM came out in 1973. I was in the 3rd grade. Listened to it a billion times before I was 10 years old :slight_smile:

MLR was their first after several years of hiatus. And what I consider a complete break from their normal (although perhaps part of a natural progression) in that it was more mainstream with a few of the tracks getting air time on radio compared to the very limited airplay from earlier albums.

I love PF too…absolute favorite band of my 50 years on planet earth. Here’s what I have in iTunes…my PF collection would take 1.2 days non stop to play through! LOL


Oh the memories of sitting and vegging out to Pink Floyd. I remember as a kid my mother went to a doctor’s appointment. I sat out in her 1970 VW Bug and burnt shit with the cigarette lighter and listened to “The Wall”. Later on I found out about Dark Side of the Rainbow and spent countless hours trying to sync Dark Side of the Moon to The Wizard of Oz. The few times I really got it I was so stoned it could have been Queen playing along with the movie Full Metal Jacket and I wouldn’t have noticed. Them were the good ole days!

Oh, and as a child, I had a fleeting glimpse of exactly what Mr. Waters was talking about in Comfortably Numb. I had a very high fever and felt exactly as the song describes. Every time I hear that song I can remember that day very vividly. It was the most relaxed I have ever been. Of course brain cells were dropping by the millions :wink:


That’s great!! Well the sync is really easy. Get the CD ready to play. Start the movie. When the MGM lion roars the second time, start the CD right at the end of the second roar. Bingo. It’s not a total synchronization but the paint brush at the fence is uncanny and the Great Gig in The Sky is mesmerizing…especially if you have just partaken of some of that sticky icky.

I also liked the witch is witch part :wink:

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When I was younger I went as far as to buy a 24-carat gold CD with DSM :smiley:
That said, I only have like 21 hours of ripped material; but I use Spotify these days…

Even I can’t afford that HA

I think you can still buy them :stuck_out_tongue: Mobile Fidelity UltraDisc - it’s like $40 or $50 :stuck_out_tongue: Back then, I was a hifi-geek :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: