As I mentioned in post #1…
I’ve been converting some of the acronyms as I go, and when certain conditions are in effect.
Which I’ll go into a bit more below…
That’s something that largely needs to be left with (and done by @daath). Because he can do a far more effective change than I (if I’m not mistaken; possibly all at once).
Even if he can’t do an “all in one” change, I’ve mentioned to him before that the database/server experiences issues with high volume single entries. And with my name change being basically a “kludge fix” (to workaround the limitations of the framework that I currently work in) I don’t have the ability to go into a single entry (any given flavor name), and enact a fix to simple things like a capitalization error (as above), or a missing space (in an otherwise correct listing), etc.
And when it comes to flavor entries with more than around say 10,000-20,000 recipes (roughly speaking, as I think the “cutoff” [referring to loss of notes] may vary with dependancies on such things as the number of ‘notes’ entries, to the volume of notes cumulatively within a single entry, etc etc. Hell, for all I know, it may wig out once a certain flavor is part of “x number of user stashes” (whether used in a recipe or not.))
At any rate, rather I’ve been trying to stay out of such things, until I either am granted the tools I need to effect a safer change in such cases (again, speaking with high volume flavors in mind), or until I decide to announce my own “retirement” of being a volunteer.
In this particular case though (Bliss), I expect it will be a minor fix, without issue. But I wanted to address the topic in general, since this fits the subject matter quite well.
Personally, given all of the duplicates (in acronyms and abbreviations) that have come to light since I first posted the topic, I think abbreviations should probably be done away with. Everything should be spelled out. Just so the end users (especially new folks) don’t have yet another hurdle to overcome while learning to mix. I think it’s bad enough that there are individual vendors who have (and continue to) introduce additional confusion by using abbreviations exclusive to their site which are partly directly responsible for the additional entries and database inflation. But, that’s a forward looking statement. Not where we’re at currently.
I’m glad you brought it up @christylh8!
I’ll look into it soon!