First, please know I’m 81 years old. My mind doesn’t track like it did in my earlier years.
First, I’ve been smoking 6 to 8 swisher Sweet cigarillo’s a day. My research indicates that each one is 12 to 15 mg of nicotine. My calculator says that’s 96 Mg’s/day!
Research also indicates a Marlboro Red is around 1.2 Mg’s each, or 24 Mg’s per 20 pack. Am I smoking 5 packs of smokes a day? Mostly I can’t follow math anymore.
As a sudo-intellectual-wanna-be-has-been, I thought I’d just start vaping with 0 nicotine. Figured all I want is the throat hit. Last year, I made a half dozen bottles of juice with 0 mg nicotine. Went back to cigarillo’s while I figure this out.
Bottom line is, I want juice that’s as close to cigarillo’s in Nic as possible.
I have a 1 gallon bottle of 70/30 VG/PG with 0 nicotine. It’s been mentioned I need to adjust my VG/PG to 60/40 or 50/50. Can’t do that, since I already have the bottle.
I have 3 bottles of Nic. A 30 Ml-55 Mg, 30 Ml-35 Mg, and a 100 Ml-3 Mg. That’s all the store had. The higher Nic contents are, I think, Salt Nic. I say I think because the box says "Better than your current salt Nic. These are pod juice clear’s. The box says, they are VG/PG tobacco free nicotine. If there’s a ratio, I don’t see it.
So, assuming I’m not too far outta my mind, What belongs in the calculator? I “THINK” most of the recipes I’ve seen had a flavoring of 15%. If I want to make a 30 Ml bottle, the amount to make is 30 Ml. What should the desired strength be? Is that the Nic strength? I have no idea what my desired strength is, since I don’t know what it SHOULD be, based on a comparison to a cigarillo. I have no choice but my 70/30 VG/PG unless I need to buy separate bottles.
My recipe’s are not private. Can anyone edit one for me?