Can't figure out how to add nicotine to my existing recipe

I have a recipe that I think was pretty good. But… I want to add nicotine. When I try to add 30 mg nicotine, I’m told my number are off, and suggests the PG/VG is wrong. Won’t let me save it.

The original recipe is here:

How do I add the nicotine? You’re welcome to change it for me (please) so I can proceed with other recipes.



Assuming you’re using PG Nic, you have to change the PG/VG percentages to make room for the Nic,


try clicking “max VG”


@PaulyWalnuts the issue you are running into is your somewhat reduced strength NIC. You didn’t mention what PG/VG/NIC levels you wanted the end juice to be.

You can easily mix it up using 70VG, 30PG, and 30mg NIC at 3mg finished strength.

The MAX you can go, using 70VG, and 30PG is 4.5mg finished strength. Notice how you are adding NO PG at that point.

Once you try and increase it to 4.6mg finished strength, your PG values go NEGATIVE.

ALL of the above examples were using a finished ratio of 70 VG, and 30 PG. You could easily increase the NIC strength, but you would have to change the VG / PG ratio, down to 60 VG/ 40PG, or even 50 VG/ 50PG.


Well, let me start by saying I’m old. USED to be really smart, but with dementia kicking in, I’ve lost the cognitive skills. I want the throat hit and cloud. I thought that was pg/vg of 70 30. I want a 15% flavor.

I smoke around 8 Swisher Sweet cigarillos, a day. My research indicates that’s equal to a pack of reds a day, which is 30 mg a pack. Or so I understand.

I just can’t track this “stuff” anymore. PLEASE, if someone would edit my recipe for me, I’ll be able to understand.


So I’m assuming that you are looking for a very flavorful mix at 70pg and 30vg using 100mg pg based nicotine, with a final nicotine at 30mg, just like you would get from a disposable type device. And you want to keep the same flavor total of 15% here’s an example of a set up for that.

And the final results.

If I might suggest that you mix small batches of 10ml or less until you find your sweet spot. And if you are truly interested in some thought hit and some vapor you might consider a 50/50 blend with 30mg of total nicotine.


if you want it more specific we need to know mg of your nicotine what strength you want your mix, is your Nic pg or vg and are you ok with 50/50 because you might not be able to mix this at 70/30 depending on your nicotine

have you tried clicking “max vg” when creating a recipe, maybe you have a friend that can help you with all this?


This is literally why I don’t use the calculator I want to I have so many recipes written down on index cards every time I go to do it I don’t know what I’m doing wrong it says the numbers are off and then it after you write the whole thing out and all the numbers and percentages and names erases the whole thing super super frustrating especially if it’s a big long recipe that’s happened to me like 20 times I still have yet to figure it out I have a cork board with index cards lol
But I’m sure it’ll be more accurate the computer was doing the math then my Dollar store calculator :grin::exploding_head:

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May I ask why the 100% has a zero before it seems confusing sorry to interject I just don’t understand I’ve tried using Max VG or Nic ready base.(Cuz that’s actually what I get from Delosi, Nicbase 6mg 100%vg)
You know some people say why don’t you just get the nicotine but for me I’m heavy-handed and everything and I didn’t want to mix the nicotine myself. I find the base works really well for me but I can’t figure out how to get it onto the actual calculator


First, please know I’m 81 years old. My mind doesn’t track like it did in my earlier years.

First, I’ve been smoking 6 to 8 swisher Sweet cigarillo’s a day. My research indicates that each one is 12 to 15 mg of nicotine. My calculator says that’s 96 Mg’s/day!

Research also indicates a Marlboro Red is around 1.2 Mg’s each, or 24 Mg’s per 20 pack. Am I smoking 5 packs of smokes a day? Mostly I can’t follow math anymore.

As a sudo-intellectual-wanna-be-has-been, I thought I’d just start vaping with 0 nicotine. Figured all I want is the throat hit. Last year, I made a half dozen bottles of juice with 0 mg nicotine. Went back to cigarillo’s while I figure this out.

Bottom line is, I want juice that’s as close to cigarillo’s in Nic as possible.

I have a 1 gallon bottle of 70/30 VG/PG with 0 nicotine. It’s been mentioned I need to adjust my VG/PG to 60/40 or 50/50. Can’t do that, since I already have the bottle.

I have 3 bottles of Nic. A 30 Ml-55 Mg, 30 Ml-35 Mg, and a 100 Ml-3 Mg. That’s all the store had. The higher Nic contents are, I think, Salt Nic. I say I think because the box says "Better than your current salt Nic. These are pod juice clear’s. The box says, they are VG/PG tobacco free nicotine. If there’s a ratio, I don’t see it.

So, assuming I’m not too far outta my mind, What belongs in the calculator? I “THINK” most of the recipes I’ve seen had a flavoring of 15%. If I want to make a 30 Ml bottle, the amount to make is 30 Ml. What should the desired strength be? Is that the Nic strength? I have no idea what my desired strength is, since I don’t know what it SHOULD be, based on a comparison to a cigarillo. I have no choice but my 70/30 VG/PG unless I need to buy separate bottles.

My recipe’s are not private. Can anyone edit one for me?

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oh you don’t know how strong you want it, and you have pre-mixed VG/PG. we were missing that information
i edited but there is a caveat

i would start at 6mg first. then add same amount again if you want it stronger HOWEVER

if you added 15% flavoring to 70/30 your now at 55/45
when you add nic to make it 6mg its going dilute even more to like 45/55. Are you ok with that?


It’s worth a try…

Like I say, I’m a classic antique.

What exactly should be in the fields of the calculator?

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open my recipe then click the wrench icon then click on “adapt this”
and you will see all that

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Oh, okay, I see now. THANKS a bunch! I’ll give a whack! Only maybe 10 ml:)

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you really should get a source for higher strength nicotine it will make things much easier and maybe buy vg/pg separately
your doing things the hard way

that 3mg nicotine you have you
should post a pic or find out the pg/vg ratio. you might just end up throwing your flavoring straight into it.

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'Ya know, if I had researched what this Pod Juice Clear stuff is, I could have saved us all some time, and saved me some sanity. Which is in short supply.

These juices are 50/50 PG/VG. 30 ml bottles, except for the 100 ml at 3 Mg.

I told the salesman at the local shop that I had some 0 Nic PG/VG and flavors and asked for some strong Nic Salts. Probably a used car salesman in a former life. So, who, what, where and when can I get what I need online. Which online shops would you recommend?

I get my flavors from Bull City Flavors, but they sell everything you need except nicotine. At least that I can find, even with a search.

You’ll have to scroll down a bit… Clear - Pod Juice - 30mL $10.99

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im in canada so its different for me but

fidalgovapes says
Most people get from which is delosi. Central Vapors usually has NicSelect which was at one time industry standard and always a great nicotine. I think Nude Nic also sells

I think you want freebase nicotine because you want throat hit
not salt
get 100mg if you can

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Freebase, huh? Did that for a while a LONG time ago. You know that crap scarred Richard Prior for life, right?

I’ll check those out, thanks! I’m in California. As of January 1st we can’t get jack for flavors. Some sites simply won’t sell to us at all!


i seem to recall richard accidently lighting himself on fire during an episode

he had a bit about it later lighting his cigarette on fire on stage and saying “whats that? oh its just mr prior running down the street again”

something like that anyways

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I haven’t followed everything closely here but it sounds like he needs a sufficient dose of nicotine and with throat hit. Maybe he should be using salts for the fast absorption and higher dosage with higher PG for a throat hit, at least a 50pg/50vg base blend. Just a thought. Like old school.

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