Can't figure out how to add nicotine to my existing recipe

Big shout out to @SessionDrummer !

All I can say is THANKS! But I can’t emphasize the appreciation enough.

I think my biggest problem was that I didn’t understand the concept of Mg/Ml.

Another problem was that, in my not-so-humble-opinion; the “Desired strength” and “Nicotine Strength”, is poorly worded. Where it says, Desired Strength, it doesn’t say strength of what? Then it says, nic strength. I assumed that was the strength I wanted, which was 12 Mg.

Even though I looked at dozens of other recipes, I completely missed that. In my own defense, I found recipes that looked good, and removed the Nic altogether, since I foolishly thought I could quit cold turkey, relying on the throat hit alone.

Originally I smoked Raleigh 100’s, and let them get stale. NICE throat hit. Then California decided no one should be able to afford to smoke. One carton of smokes, $100. Three times/month! Dunno if they’re imported or what, but you can get an off brand for $5/pack. Even letting them get stale, I had to take the filter off and stand in front of a mirror to see if I was really smoking.

A neighbor and close friend turned me on to Swisher Sweets. That’s a hit I can feel!

For what it’s worth, he was 95 when he passed. WWII Navy vet. His ship was an LST. He called it a long, slow transport. That’s the one that lands on a beach, and tanks and troops pile out. His was the first to land on the beach at the Latye Gulf in the Philippines when we took it back from the Japanese.

I thought I knew a lot about WWII, but I was VERY wrong.

And if you think his stories about the war may have been crazy, you should hear his jokes. Ever heard the expression “Cuss like a sailor”? LOVED the gals, there. Do you know what they’d do for a smoke?

Hated General Macarther. Didn’t much care for the Marines either. Sailors ran the ships and boats, while the Marines sat around drinking and smoking.

Check this out. 72 years after the war, he had not gotten his medals. I called our local Congressman about it who had something to do with veterans affairs and memorials. Don’t recall. National Archives. Anyway, he sent a Marine out to give him his medals, and made this video.

Albert Viera


Outstanding @PaulyWalnuts !!!


Watch out, that movie about my buddy is over 30 minutes, but well worth the watch! Talks about the time he smuggled some girls aboard ship:)


Pauly, you seem like you’d be a very interesting person to sit down and hear stories from.


Come on out and hang for a couple years. My kids always tell me I should write a book. I’d give you an example, but the ummm… The substances I abused and experiences from the 60’s alone would probably get me banned.


Hehe @PaulyWalnuts that wouldn’t. It WOULD however grant you special access into the “I can’t believe I’m still alive” group.

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Can I use my favorite 4 letter words there?

There’s a saying:

If someone says, they were at Woodstock, they probably weren’t. If they say they don’t remember, the probably were. If I were there, I think I’d remember why my junk was dripping.


Dude, I don’t see that group. I’ll look again, but if it’s not there, I’ll start it.

Hey, seeings as everyone here is “supposed to be” 21 and up, can I start a “Them dirty old jokes” topic?

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