Can't figure out how to add nicotine to my existing recipe

Where can I buy that? All I can find have PG or VG mixed in. They never say what the ratio or % is. I have a gallon of PG/VG 30/70. How does one use the calculator to calculate the PG/VG ratio?

I want a strong throat hit. Sub Ohm.

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Base would be PG or VG when buying nicotine.

What you are looking for is freebase nicotine 100mg/ml in a PG base. PG will get you a strong throat hit


They’re supposed to, sir. The nicotine is so concentrated it only will affect the mix by adding a very small amount of pg or VG that it’s based in. It’s untra concentrated nicotine, the pg and VG are only carriers.

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Ah. Someone said to get pure nicotine, so I assumed it’d be base free.

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Pure nicotine is not to be messed with without a hood. It is produced in labs and not sold to the public. Nicotine is sold to the public as high as 200mg/ml. 200mg/ml is dangerous to use. If it comes in contact with your skin it must be flushed immediately with water. Best to work with 200mg/ml with rubber gloves and plastic covering the rest of your body. People buy the 200mg/ml to cut in half with PG or VG to make 100mg/ml it makes their nicotine purchase a little cheaper.


@rcleven I wonder if he didn’t mean 1000mg NIC, but just 100mg NIC (guessing), separate from his PG, and VG … ?

Not to be mean but I don’t think he knows what he means
probably thought 100mg meant 100%

he’s like 81 years old and told me he has early onset dementia

keep it simple guys



There’s a link to vape shop above my post to Central Vape. The claim on the bottle says 100mg PURE nicotine. I gave the link to the exact product he should buy. All he had to do is pick a size he could afford. I can only lead a sheep to water I can’t make him drink. If he’s that confused nobody here can help him.

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yes i know your the 3rd person to send him the same link
i did too, but hes still asking

i just wanted to clarify why hes confused

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My next question to him is going to be how do I get ahold of your son.

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Good luck! He hardly talks to anyone in the family.

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Thank you for your support!

I just bought a 120 ml bottle. I think it was 6 Mg. I’m assuming that if that’s too wimpy (as I suspect) I can just add more?

After reading each and every reply, 3 times, I figured out why the calculator said my PG/VG ratio’s were off.

Even though someone SHOWED what I did wrong, I didn’t understand. Where it says, “Desired strength”, I entered 100%, whereas, in “nicotine strength”, I entered 6. Backwards.

Thank you VERY much for the help, Y’all!


What you’re looking for should be a bottle of 100 milligrams of nicotine per milliliter. That would mean, a 120ml bottle would have 12,000mg of nicotine in it, If you bought something with only 6mg of nicotine per milliliter, that still wouldn’t be the right thing.


I must say to a couple of you, (Not the majority) I deserve respect. My grandfather, born in 1888 once told me when I was a youngster, that he forgot more than I’ll ever know. We’re talking WW1.

I just don’t track anymore. Mid 1980’s I ran one of the biggest Bulletin Board Services in Grand Rapids Michigan. Pre-Internet. Fidonet. We could get an email to Germany and back in 24 hours. Assuming everyone was at their computer at the time being.

Color monitors, mice and icons were just becoming a thing. I was beta testing a dial-up app with no documentation. It had “banners” you could place anywhere on the screen. X-Y coordinates. “Stuff” like, 13deF9 coordinates. WITHOUT Internet I figured out there is such a thing as base 16 math. Not base 10. 10, 20, 30, 100, 1,000, 10,000. 'Tis 1 through 10, abcdef. F being 16. Get it? 16 bit math. 16 bit computer language. Still used. 16 X 2 is 32 bit, X 2 = 64 bit. Microsoft Windows 64 bit operating system.

There are 4 octets of 8 bits in an IP address. When you can tell me what 00100100.01000100.11001001.000101011 is equal to in an IP address, you may show me a lack of respect!


yea @Mediocre_Remedial !
show some respect!

1 Like the last part is not clear due to the extra digit. In a standard IP address each part should be an 8-bit binary number, and the last part 000101011 does not fit this format.

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Copy that @rcleven.

Sorry sir, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.


@PaulyWalnuts check your PM’s, I just sent you one.

I’ve been really busy, and haven’t been fully able to keep up with this thread, but to answer this one question, yes, you can always add more, BUT, there’s a pitfall. When you have fairly weak NIC, two things happen right out of the gate.

  1. You’ll never be able to go higher than 6mg (in your example).
  2. You’ll have an increasing problem, or I should say limitation(s), of what final target PG/VG ratio you can hit, as you will have a large amount of the lower yield NIC, already in the bottle before you even start adding anything.

I assume you can get 100mg where you are, and if so, that makes things REALLY easy/easier in the calculator. Even with higher NIC level finished juices, you’ll be adding far less of it, and that will free you up to tailor your desired finished PG/VG ratios much easier.

Check your PM’s.


Awesome, dude! Or dudette. Whichever the case may be. LOL. When you’re just typing some one’s and zeros at random, it’s easy to lose count.