Fruits can be a miracle sometimes. I know lots of ppl say it’s the easiest category to work with, and that might be true if it’s a fruit only recipe.
Most fruits need a secondary fruit or even a third fruit of the same. Others need some fruits similar but from the same family, and then there’s some that are great alone but fade quickly or are just thin, and will need a booster. Some are extremely strong that overpower everything if not careful enough.
As just any other flavor category, there’s high notes, mid notes and background notes. And then there’s blenders or balancing notes.
Looking at your sb recipe you posted, imo the creams will just kill the fruits. Strawberry is actually a delicate fruit and some also fade, in my opinion fruits especially sb and lemon always need to outweigh the heavy creams.
I also wouldn’t pair ripe with shisha, both are more of a mid note, rather than high or back. Sure inw has that syrup going in the background but the lb ice cream is just going to cancel that out.
Ripe due to its own EM content is also a quick fader and blender, it will move in the background soon but looses its strawberry nuances. It tastes to me like pink cotton candy later, than actually the real fresh fruit lol.
Dragon fruit (tpa) is not actually a fruit either, at high percentage it tastes like bubblegum. But it’s mostly used as blender in recipes, since that’s it’s job. and it can boost/pop specific fruits.
Overall I am sure it works as intended, but not as you hoped. This recipe will turn into a light pink milk/cream. important is the pink aspect here, because what that means is, it will have fruit nuances but not a distinctive fruit. But this will not turn into cream/custard with distinctive fruit or fruit swirl/ripple, as you probably wanted.
Switching the fruits as well as decreasing the creams a bit, or even picking different could fix that. Or increasing fruits if these creams are used might be a other possibility, depending what you want out of this recipe.
If you still can’t taste it, maybe you’re sb blind, or if you can’t taste any fruits but it’s not a recipe issue, take a look at your equipment. Depending on atomizer you’re using, wattage/temp, mtl/dl and even nic strength, you might have to adjust the recipes even further etc. It’s not always just as simple as thinking that your taste buds are at fault.