CarolinaXtract Nicotine

So there have been several questions posed in the forum on why they label their nicotine as they do. I sent them an email last week and here is the reply i received:

Sorry for the late reply! It’s busy here.
Please note that MG is a unit of weight and ML is a unit of volume. These two metric system measurements were based on Water being the standard.
The Nicotine molecule is just slightly heavier than water. Water weighs exactly 1000MG per 1000ML ( or simpler 1MG=1ML) under average atmospheric conditions and altitude.
Nicotine is only about .05% heavier than water, so 100MG per 1000ML is approximately and for all practical purposes, a 10 percent solution. Depending on the barometric pressure and altitude, nicotine at say, 1000 ft above sea level can weigh exactly the same as water at say 100 ft. above sea level, but if the two are weighed at the same time and the same place, the nicotine will always be just slightly heavier.
In short, 50MG/1000ML is a 5% solution, 100MG/1000ML is a 10% solution, 500MG/1000ML is a 50% solution and 1000MG/1000ML ( or also expressed as 1000MG/1KG) is not a solution at all, it is pure nicotine. Please not that anything above 100MG/1000ML requires increased handling procedures.
Hope this helps!


Works for me ! Thanks Ken !


I have some 100mg. nicotine in the freezer that I got from Carolina and a 120ml bottle of 100mg in vg base that I have been using the last few weeks. I am really confused now about the strength. Is the Carolina xtract 100mg the same strength as say VT 100 mg. or not

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Yes, it is 100mg/ml. I tried to explain it a couple times but i am not very good at explaining things so i emailed them for clarification when @daath had asked about it.

I still find it a very odd way of labeling but we dont get a say in things like that as consumers, hehe.

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I got seriously confused by all that. Lol.

But it doesn’t take much lol.



Thanks Ken, I was confused a bit myself @Jondamon. Just wanted to make sure I was getting 3% and not .3%, LOL.

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I hear ya, it was very confusing but i figured since the paperwork stated 10% solution that it was 10% of a 1000mg solution which would be 100mg/ml.

Absolutely excellent nic and man they ship quick. There were times that i waited 3-4 weeks for a NN order. Every time i have ordered from CTX i have had the product in a matter of days after my order. Cant believe they use Paypal tho.


Yeah they do ship out fast, I had mine before Paypal charged my account for it. I dont really like to use Paypal but do occasionally. I prefer to just pay with a card when I order. I am planning on getting another liter of the vg based nic as soon as I can.

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I just find it odd as it is against PPs TOS. This last time i ordered with a PG base, ive always used VG nic bases but it was difficult making the solution homogenous after it separated. Im not a huge fan of PG but it adds less PG than some flavorings @ 1.5-3%.

Im trialing it and so far im pretty happy.

@Ken_O_Where Is that something you plan to do regularly now? Using PG based Nicotine instead of VG? Just curious.

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Just for my personal use, for sales ill still use VG because i mix with it immediately and dont have to worry about long term storage separation. Some of my personal use nic has been in the deep freezer for almost a year and it is all VG based. I dont actually know if there is an separation occurring but one cant be too careful with nicotine at these levels especially after what we went through with NN.


I gotta say his explanation does not make sense to me. If you got 120 ml nicotine you would have gotten 12 mg nicotine total in the bottle, according to them. If that is the case, you’re being ripped off. I am pretty sure that is not the case - If it is 100 mg/ml like you would think, you would have gotten 12,000 mg of nicotine (and not 12 mg). They should either write 100 mg/ml or 100,000 mg per 1,000 ml. His “solution” explanation does not make sense…

Is it just me?


It Only makes sense when I look at it in terms of ratios. Otherwise and idiotic way of labeling and sure as hell quick way to scare ppl away. Test your Nic is what I always tell everybody!


It is 1000mg nic, pure nicotine and the industry standard naming convention, mixed at 10%. Thats is really the only part that matters, the rest of the explanation was really unnecessary. Personally i wish they would change their labeling as it is simply confusing for the end user.

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I was thinking the same thing @daath. The math don’t seem right to me either. Its great quality stuff but Im still wondering about the strength of it.

It makes more sense if you calculate for a 1000mg/ml starter solution which is pure, powder form nicotine. A 10% solution would be 100mg/ml.

As i said i am horrible at explaining things but i hope i am helping to clarify things instead of making it more confusing.

My titration, 3 tests, averaged out to 97.5mg/ml. The 2.5% is well within the margin of error of the test i used which is most definitely not the highest resolution testing kit out there…

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David did u test the Nic at home ?

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Not yet but I have a kit so I will. I have some I got from Nude Nic in the freezer as well that Im definitely going to test. Ken said he has tested his Carolina 3 times and it was good so I might just go with the one I have been using. I dont have much of that 120 ml bottle left anyway.


Whenever i do titration testing i do the test 3 times and take an avg, just to be sure. Kind of like when i was a carpenter and the whole measure twice cut once thing.


@Ken_O_Where I double and triple check most everything that is critical or needs precision myself.