Chef's OG Recipes Information

Hey yall. Bit of a PSA, as I just found out this information myself and have been mixing for nearly two years now.

Everyone knows Chef’s Vapours* was sold a while ago, and that it’s being run by DarkStar under the name Chef’s Flavours*. However, what may not be known (I just found out), is that the flavors and one shots on Chef’s Flavours* current site are not OG mixes or flavors, as the recipes weren’t sold to DarkStar with the company: I.E., DarkStar simply uses the same names as the OG Chef mixes and flavors.

A good while ago, Lewis and Karl (OG Chef’s Vapours owners) opened up the company/website Flavour Craver, where they sold OG Chef’s mixes.
Just recently, Lewis and Karl sold Flavour Craver, except this time they’ve sold all their OG recipes along with Flavour Craver. It’s open and under new management. They have a decent selection of their OG Recipe One Shots available.

The new owners of Flavour Craver are dedicated to keeping the OG Chef’s recipes together in one spot, and releasing old flavors/mixes when they’re able. Side note, the new owners seem very kind, as I messaged them to get some of this information. They’re a part of the vaping community in Wales and have been for over a decade.

I know many folks liked some specific OG Chef’s flavors/mixes, so thought I’d share this info with the community, as it was all new to me, and took a considerable amount of research to find all of this information.

I also know it’d help this re-opened company, Flavour Craver, if they got some traffic through their site. Plus, they’ve got some good mixes in stock, along with a 20% off code for Black Friday (BF20) until December 2nd! Decent shipping costs to the US, to boot!

Take care y’all! Happy holidays and happy vaping!


This information is appreciated and a bit old…Ad a community we have been over this many times . The forum has a Chefs thread and @Rocky02852 i believe made this public on the thread.

Ill possibly merge this with that thread unless other members engage .

Ty though for looking out and passing on any information that may help others


Feel free to merge! Tried to compile all the info into one post, as I only saw it pieced together throughout various forums. I also did not see it noted anywhere that Chef’s kept the same names but not the OG recipes, and that Flavour Craver has the OG Chef’s recipes listed under the same names. It was confusing to me initially, just trying to save others any confusion!


I hear ya…appreciate you


Thanks for the update @ohkaye1995, although most of this has been covered before you put it all in one post. The newest info seems to be that Flavour Craver is now possibly owned by Flavour Drops Ltd., although both companies are still listed as active companies in the UK…


I can confirm the legal entity is Flavour Drops Limited t/a Flavour Craver. Just a quick hello, we took over from Lewis and Karl at the end of October. We will be re-releasing some shelved recipes over the course of the year and launching single flavour concentrates imminently. Of course all ORIGINAL recipes.


Thank You FlavourCraver for info…If you would like to become an approved vendor here on the forum please reach out and we will make that happen.