Clapton Coil prices?

I have been very busy making lots of 26/32 ss316l Clapton coils and want to sell them off, anyone know a fair price for packs of 10?
Also, any suggestions on shipping them? Not only because of Utah’s laws but just packaging so they do not get smashed lol


Nice work. As for pricing, Advanced Vape Supply in Utah sells a 10 pack of similar coils for $8.


let me know when ur ready ill take a couple packs i hate buolding coils , actually i dont i buy pre made ones


Well, I have over 80 made (and many more to come, got 500’ rolls of wire so yeah hah) just need to figure out safe and cost effective packaging and shipping. Message me and we can work out some details :slight_smile:
I don’t think I will go down as low as $8 for 10, that advanced vape supply is online only, tho based here, they have no store front and prefer email contact only so I’d rather compare to b&m and undercut it some for local customers lol online though, especially here, I can work with ya :slight_smile: you all have helped me more than coils could ever repay.


Nice looking coils man. I don’t know what would be the best way to ship .I would check out some plastic tubing at maybe a hardware store.I would think if worst came to worst a stick of 3/8 PVC is pretty cheap and you could still ship in a padded envelope , but this is just what pops in my small mind at the moment.


Where do you buy your coils?

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Mikey! (@mikelej14) I love your new [cough] Jewelry line. Those would make great earrings/bracelets. So your return business address would be Mike’s Jewelry Supply I am guessing?


Gotta clip those ends off though or you cant sleep in them.


The b&m nearest to me sells two for $8 (which it kind of outrageous imo…). You could probably get away with $1-$2 each, but I guess it depends on what the going rate in your area is.

Lol that is outrageous wow I wish I could get that much hahah

Me now lol :slight_smile:

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My recommendation is to meet in the middle on price. Or a touch above online.

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I am settling at 10/$10 I think. Nice and easy math lmao


i usually buy them at VapeNw i refuse to build lol nust because i dont have the patience the only down fall is if you want a single coil they are .1 or .7 ohms using @mikelej14 i cld use a single coil with lower ohms plus it helps out a elr member so he will
be my new supplier

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yes sir now i have to convince you to add the cotton as well already installed oh wouldnt that be super lol


You could but every device is different so it’s hit n miss with that I think somewhat just as easy to push my own thru if I need to trim it anyway

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i understand that lol i was just trying to be real lazy , i actually have the cotton thing down pretty well but ty

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I use rayon it’s been so nice I love it way better than cotton
Have you used rayon before?

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someone just suggested that to me , i hate the feel of cotton balls or 100pct cotton unless its clothing lol ill have to look into that

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When I send your coils I’ll throw a lil in for you to test out :slight_smile: