Coil Building Show Offs (Part II)

they are union, i doubt they would allow themselves to be overworked. except perhaps the end deliverer that takes pride and goes the extra mile.


Just iPhone 12 pro, 2 white papers, 2 ligths and
simple SSFC


Normally I would agree with that statement but postal workers are different. They have a very difficult and stressful job or at least that is what they tell me.

I have a couple of friends that work for the USPS and they HATE it. Small town Post Office workers have it better but they hate it too.

Oh well, what can ya do?


you mean they are not human ??

some people actually do. but for the most part all they are doing is Boo-Hoo’ing.

what is the percentage of people that hate their jobs ? = join the club.

myself, i think there is some kind of shenanigans’ going on on the logistics side of the usps = they are sabotaging the system for whatever reason/s, probably more rate increases.


I took it a step further today. (Maybe two steps?) 5 core SFC:


This is 5x29ga N80 with 38ga.


Nice camera and camera work. Looks awesome.


Wow, nice work!


Made a SSFC today. It was supposed to be two but ones kinda screwed up

Magnified view:

It’s N80 2x28+(8x.3)/38ga. Towards the end I noticed it looked a little thinner. Two of the little pieces of ribbon collapsed inside the coil. I was testing out Wire Optim ribbon and didn’t really how it worked out. Kidney Puncher ribbon is better. I just got some coil society ribbon to try too. I’ll che k that out tomorrow.

These kind of coils might only need 4 wraps. I’m not used to that but some of the wire I’ve been making has a lot of mass.


Made some more SSFC’s today. Man do these things always seem to ohm out low. Im still learning how to target resistance. There’s so many ways to get to a certain reading.

These are .12Ω. All N80, 28ga frames, 4x.3 ribbon, 38ga clapton/fusing wire.

70 to 75W is where I like em. Awesome flavor but I think I prefer just the regular 2 core staggered claptons for this particular juice.


Not my work, some 3 core SFC’s @Daveflowers9 sent me that I finally got around to loading. ohm’d out at 0.10, amazing flavor at 100W


I got one of those paper crimper thingies to make corrugated builds. Here’s my first one.

It’s a corrugated staple stagger fused clapton CSSFC. I used all N80; 26ga frames (x2), the ribbon is .4x.1 (two corrugated), 36ga spaced claptons (on the cores), and the final fusing wire I used 38ga.


Here my staged heating clapton:


Way too hot today to be outside :pleading_face: so it turned out to be a build day. Simple Aliens (Kanthal 27gx3 w/36g) :alien: Not all perfect but the janky ones will be used for flavor tests.


I haven’t posted in a while. Here’s some of my pics since the last one.


These coils are a cut above the rest for dual coils on a mech mod. They’re one of the ones in a photo above. I make them by staggering really fine wire over the cores. It’s N80 staggered fused claptons (of SFC) with these specs: 3x27/42ga.

They fire fast and hard at .12Ω. The flavor is probably the best I’ve ever experienced. They’re such a bitch to make though. It’s really easy to mess up staggering such a fine wire. I’ve done them with 40GA also and those arent as ultra responsive. I’m still learning what I like since I only started using mech tubes a few months ago.


42G :astonished: :exploding_head: wow nice work! I would need the Hubble telescope to try that :joy:


How long does it take to make that sort of thing, these coils are art. It’s really impressive and I can only imagine it’s a real time consumer but absolutely beautiful and probably vapes great too lol. Nice work.


just like vaping in general = there are all kinds a variables. some folks, it can take aalmost aall day to make 2 coils. the really good, maybe 15 mins depending on the coil style.


I can’t fathom the work. As much as I think it could be fun it’s daunting to consider the time involved for me.


On the other hand. I passed my Prince 2 certification today so maybe I have the time for a bit :). Time to YouTube.


The first step is to make a perfect spaced clapton. My first time trying it with 42ga, I started as I usually do (button method). I couldn’t tell what was going on. I looked but I couldn’t see the spaces. I decided to go with it and just see what happened. When I started fusing the three together, It seemed to be going well. I kept going and it was my best wire of this kind. I haven’t made it as cleanly since.