Coil Question

I have never built a coil in my life, so the smaller hand tools are needed- and that price is damn good if you ask me. Now time to pick out some other wire…?! Thoughts gentelmen?!


I love Wire Optim. LOTS to choose from there …


Well, I’d suggest getting the wire guys here involved as I can’t really help you with US suppliers.


Hehe, and that’s the PERFECT statement, for rolling into SINGLE WIRE COILING !!!

Sure, sure, you can get mad crazy, start making simple claptons, and then go even deeper into multi-core claptons, and even further into exotics, BUT, keep it simple in the beginning …


I think premade spools would suit him better.

Here are a couple I have used as an example.

There should be many in the US who offer similar.


Absolutely SD! Reminds me of the old famous acronym “KISS”. I will start small- and see where this takes me!

For those interested as well, read the artical below… VAST amounts of information for a “Rookie” coil builder.


I used to make my own multicore coils, but due to some nerve damage in my hand, can no longer do so. But you can find spools of pre-made, multi-core wire where you can coil it yourself using wire wrap tools or screwdrivers, and still save over pre-wrapped. I’ve found some good basic dual core clapton spools at wire optim and some good staggered fused claptons on Amazon.


That’s a GREAT article @D.Sims, and it’s pretty accurate. If you don’t want to worry about Nickle allergies, or melting wire, or even possible toxins when dry burning Kanthal is the easy one. It may not have the fastest ramp up time, but until you get a lot of mass, it’s pretty much a non issue.

I’ve have some good luck with Kanthal Nichrome, and while I don’t have any Nickle allergies, it seemed to gunk up, and oxidize a lot faster than the Kanthal did.

SS produced a very clean vape, BUT, after melting through a few coils, trying to dry burn, it lost favor from me.

Titanium, I have no clue LOL.


I used to use TI coils all the time. The flavor is great on TI coils, but you should never dry burn and you better have a good mod that actually works well with TI temp settings. I stopped using it because I kept forgetting which topper had a previous set of TI installed and decided to stick with NI80s and SS. Life was just easier that way.


@Lostmarbles I think @Pro_Vapes was the one that got me interested in Ti.

Perhaps my laziness just took over (as it always seems to do).


I loved his “deep water” coil. Used them quite often until I started running tests on them with a dry wick and found my mods (at the time) didn’t do a good job of temp control, and I got really paranoid about using the TI wire. @provapes and I believe it was @SthrnMixer, that got me to switch to them for a time.


Wireoptim do loads of pre made coil’s thought they did wire sticks but can’t see them,I like the sticks loads of options for size


Thanks for the info @Grabbo! It’s appreciated brother. :slight_smile:


I am no expert on coils but those coils don’t look like alien claptons to me as alien wire should have a wavy line on the outer wrap but yours doesn’t and has straight lines instead like a normal clapton wire does.


I’ve thought the same thing, but have seen many “normal” Claptons labeled as Aliens.


I was thinking about you and your single wire coils the other day. I had broken out a few old Kaees BF RDA’s and was using my usual 26/36 ss single core claptons in them. Just to see if I could tell the difference I wound up a single 26ss. I’m tasting no difference. Obviously, there is some mitigation per close to perfect saturation of the cotton and the flavor production of an RDA but I am going to try the single coils in some RTA’s here shortly. In the early years of vaping it was always fun using the winder and different configurations of coils but I am getting lazy as time goes on. Getting 500 coils on a single spool of wire is a motivator as well, lol.


So have I mate and they are usually the cheaper variety that have been mass produced in China. There is a reason why alien coils are more expensive and that is because they are harder to manufacture than the average claptons are. Edit: This doesn’t mean that they don’t work well but they are not what they are reporting to be.


@SmilingOgre well I for one, am very curious to hear what you find out Sir.


@D.Sims my last stock up …


It’s kinda funny I never tried this before. Thinking back, RBA’s in the day were not what they are today. I immediately targeted coils for better flavor. Since then I’ve refined things like cotton density and coil matching to airflow and of course RBA’s have evolved and gotten better. Interesting evolution all around.