Confessions of a tank user

Okay, here it is, a rebuttal for what I always looked at from rda users and their love of all things requiring dripping and dripping and dripping (hey quit all that dripping and get a tank!).

I tried using rda’s a couple of times and they never worked… and I mean that literally… they just seemed to burn everything up to the point you’d think if you hit that fire button the damn thing was going to explode.

Last week I (finally) received a goon 1.5 (clone) and a Aura from (took a long time to get here, but they did arrive). I finally got to play with them late last week and this weekend, and while I dislike having to keep filling the things up all the time… they are both great flavor producers. My normal vape is using Griffins (Griffin 25 and mini), and as much as I hate to say it, these two rda’s have me not reaching for those tanks but for these small things that keep screaming for more juice to be added.

I don’t know if it was the type of rda’s or the quality of the rda’s I had tried in the past… but I am very happy with how these two things vape…


Get a squonker easier then dripping


I’m using the Goon RDA now and its great.
I find myself alternating between tanks / RDA a lot lately, I don’t think I could ever use the RDA out and about though as I find it too impractical


“Back in the day” I had one of the first mods that could be called a “squonker”, can’t even remember the name of the stupid thing (4 or 5 years ago). It was more trouble than it was worth, I’ll just drip for now like how I had to do with the carty atomizers I used on the first ego mod I used. I may change my mind later but can’t really see the desire to go and purchase a new mod right now.


I use tanks often, even though I prefer RDAs. They are convenient when you are walking around and don’t have a free hand. I also find some e-liquids just taste better in a tank…Is that weird? I don’t have much experience with squonking, my only squonker is a Dripbox.

I’m surprised that no one brought up RDTAs as an option to dripping.


Kudos for staying away from shinies? :rofl:

Was just a suggestion and with a lot of squonkers hitting the market they don’t actually break the bank


Yes. It’s all about finding the atty that fits you. For me, yup, it’s the goon. I own 6 of them at this point. It fits my coil builds just right, the design/logos aren’t tooo bad (compared to others where they are sooooo noticeable).

Are there other rda’s that are good. Yes, but I don’t see wasting time at this point on finding them. I’d rather mix. But yes the velocity v2 is good, but fitting some coil builds it alittle harder.

As for tanks…I think rda’s are easier to build and wick. And clean and reticle. A tank for me is more time consuming. Like cotton length…in and rda if it’s alittle long (in the goon rda) or alittle short…it’s still good. In a tank, nope…it will leak or not wick fast enough.

So what am I saying? Welcome to the rda club. Spend another week or two and you may find that you only use a tank when your doing something like driving.


i was in a similar situation , but for me it was even rtas so i stuck with sub ohm tanks like the cleito and og crown , then i found cotton bacon v2 and that changed the game for me so now i use rdas but only at home and not exclusively i still use the tanks everyday


If it is then I’m weird, too! I just find for the type of builds that I prefer(dual 26 gauge simple wire spaced coils) that RTA’s are better suited over RDA’s. When I use RDA’s, I get better flavor from bottom airflow, simply because that’s what I know how to build for when using RDA’s. I’m still working on getting my side airflow game up to snuff for my Aromamizer Supreme, but that’s whole other kettle of fish…


Toss me in the weird bin too. I use rda and rta side by side and find no appreciable difference. I like using all of them but the flavor is the same.


Cleito w/RBA, Baby beast w/ RBA, and Engine nano all in different flavor rotation. I only drip when, I am working new flavors and flavor testing. I never have a problem with flavor. Only use SS 316 and Cotton Bacon V2. I want newer tanks, but always blow my budget on mixing flavors, pg, vg, liquid nic, etc.


@CallMeTut Kind of in the same boat over here. Newer RTA’s (at least in general) have improved somewhat, but no matter how many I’ve tried, I can’t help but get better flavor from my Steam Crave tanks. Tried different coils, different wicking material, and although a few combinations DID work great in my RTA’s, I keep going back to tankin’ with the SC’s.


Try an RDTA, I enjoy the iJoy Limitless combo and the Avocado 24.

I have drippers, tanks, RDAs, RTAs almost everything you can think of, and after testing and testing, for MY tastebuds, the iJoy Limitless combo comes very very close to my best dripper in taste, and holds enough juice to last me 1/2 of the day.



Everyone has a preferred way to vape. Being handicapped with back an leg problems Vaping has become a serious hobby. I have always been a DIY type person and with vaping I can put thous skills to good use. I make 95% of my own juice and have done all kinds of coil builds to fill the hours and days. I love all my RBA, and I have way more that anyone needs. Best way to put this if I must choose between eating steak or buying and new vaping toy I will be eating cold cuts on my home made bread. Some weeks I using Smok TFV then I will move over to playing with Quad setups on different Combo decks. With the Combo of course I must decide whether to go RTDA or RDA and the same problem with Aspire Flex. With the Flex this week I may use a more conventual tank and vape on the Nautilus X. I love today’s market as we have so many wonderful choices and fantastic array of Atomizers. Of course after you decide which atty then you got to decide what kind of MOD: TC, VV/VW or mechanical but I leave that for another day.
Now where did I put my Vgod RDTA and RDA?

Vape On


@CallMeTut Ever given any thought of an RDTA? I’m sure u kno/understand wut they r but for those who may not it’s essentially an rda sitting ontop of a small (and I mean 1-2ml, sometimes less, small) tank or reservoir that your cotton tails kinda just dangle down into. More dangle less drip😂 U still fill them A LOT more often than a tank or RTA (which I prefer ~cough~ reload RTA ~cough~) but they seem like they would be up your alley as somewhat of a middle road for u. The combo RDTA by IJOY/Limitless is one of my favorites. A little tall for my liking but it’s performance is great! I believe LostArt put out a goon style RDTA a while back, I’ve yet to get one, but I’m intrigued as I love my goons but less-than love dripping constantly lol. Just my thoughts/ramblings, figured I’d mention them. Anyway, look into those if u haven’t already and see wut u think!


Oh also, @CallMeTut the combo RDTA has a handful of different style decks u can purchase and interchange in it, aswell as an option to run it as a RDA without the reservoir! So it’s got many, many configurations to suit most preferences! :ok_hand:t2:


nods, I have a couple Therom tanks.


When using Combo as a RDA you end up with about 1/2ml space under the deck instead of the usual well. I find that it last a long time as compared to most RDA before you need to re-drip it. Just juiced it up and it took 20 drops of the 30/70 Vanilla Cake juice I am using.


I agree brother, I really enjoy that atomizer no matter wut configuration I use it in!

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What’s your favorite steam crave tank?
Hows that SC=200 $8.00 tank?