
Agreed @Pastorfuzz. About the ONLY good thing to come out of it, is more and more people are reporting it, so, at least there’s that. No one’s being banned, blocked, or deplatformed for reporting personal injuries at this point. Obviously “Too Little Too Late” comes to mind, but …


Today I met a new dr who confirmed to me that it is likely that my ongoing heart palpitations, cog fog and fatigue, that have not resolved since my diagnosis & treatment of Graves’ Disease, may in fact be due to vaccination (at last, some acknowledgement)

He has experienced this himself. Has had every cardiology test & nothing shows up. He lost all his fitness due to symptoms (same for me).
His recommendation was to gradually increase fitness & (unfortunately) live with the ongoing symptoms, which lessen have lessened for him once he regained fitness.

He is the first Heathcare worker I have spoken to who has been willing to acknowledge the connection.
Hopefully one of many more.


I am very sorry to hear that @Sevencasper, very sorry indeed.

The one good thing to come out of it I guess.


Geez, I didn’t realise places were still using these.
It stopped being a requirement here in Vic Au and SA Au in late 2021/early 2022 (I’m not sure about other states though :woman_shrugging:


Yep in WA it ceased to be a thing ages ago too.

Not that it was ever something I used in the first place as I refused to get the app. I didn’t trust the government not to stuff it up primarily plus I didn’t like the perception of Big Brother it gave me.
I just used to use the old fashioned pen and paper method when I had to.


I can’t find it right now @Mikser but I saw multiple graphs of adverse reactions per batch number, and the results were STAGGERING. There were CLEARLY massive spikes for certain batch numbers. One of the WORST was A actual. My wife received an A batch, and DID have to go to TWO different emergency rooms, and with even MORE issues beyond that.

Obviously there ARE lot numbers, and/or batch numbers, but there are letters after the batch numbers, and the “A” lot numbers seemed to be the BAD ones. The A batches (which I am assuming were actual doses. I’ll keep looking around.

If you HAVE been batch vaxed, check your dose …


LOL, THAT old chesnut @Mikser. More and more continues to come out, OR, at least NOT be shot down. What will come out or be accepted tomorrow ??

And now …


@Mikser it would appear that the data IS there, all one has to do, is look at it. Sadly, it appears to be worse than “bad”.

I’m still stunned by the …


Very interesting and this Senate Inquiry is under reported here in Aus.
I believe the Senate Inquiry is part of the “COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 and the Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023”
But I’m really not sure.

I didn’t realise that we still have a lot of Vacc Mandates here - yes in health I understand somewhat but apparently in local councils too, I guess probably schools as well :woman_shrugging:
Anyway, I went looking at the Vic gov. requirements and things are not much clearer.
Except that it seems it is still being advised for most people.

So given that with my current health issues I am not at all keen to have any more vaccinations - can I get an exemption? (I know they were deemed very hard, if not impossible to get previously).

So probably a no to temporary exemption…
But is my current illness (graves disease) considered a serious adverse event?

Maybe - if my illness is considered “persistent” or “potentially life threatening” :woman_shrugging:
It sure feels persistent to me but no one can find a clinical cause for my SOB/fatigue/heart palps.

Looked up the definition of chronic conditions - autoimmune are not “one of the ten” primary ones listed - no wonder ppl with autoimmune have so many issues getting help - the government don’t consider autoimmune a priority.

I am medicated so blood results are in range but if I stopped taking the medication I would likely become - hyperthyroid with graves which causes thyroid storm which can be fatal.

And who is going to support my request for this?

“has been determined following review by, and/or on the opinion of, an experienced immunisation
provider/medical specialist to be associated with a risk of recurrence of the serious adverse event if
another dose is given.”

Not my local doctor that’s for sure - he did not believe I had a vitamin D deficiency when my specialist said I did :roll_eyes: :laughing: No it’s not really funny but I am tired of crying about it.

Anyway, I hope that the “COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 and the Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023” is passed because this whole situation is a shit show.


No it isn’t.

Thinking about it, I had graves symptoms before I had the vacc. So definitely no exemption for me.


My daughter tested positive last night.
Second time for her.

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Im trying. Its overwhelming on most days. Those of us who stayed are quite burned out. I haven’t been able to walk away just yet. Someone has to stay.


Thank you for staying @Robin.


From @Timwis over at the VC …


Good find @mikser.

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Not surprised “5-Eyes” countries have all but signed off on this (weak and evil people in charge).
Not surprised MSM aren’t covering this (they’ve been told not to).
Not surprised humanity is not challenging this (weak, scared, apathetic and uninformed).

If it goes through and turns to shit then I say “bring it on” as I’ve been on this rock long enough to feel satisfied I’ve had a pretty charmed run and don’t mind “checking out” as long as it happens on my feet. Better than getting it in the back running away.

Not that I’m a religious man but this whole shit-show (sort of) reminds me of Ephesians 6:12:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

To those who might dismiss this with that tired old line “don’t worry, it will never happen”, all I have to say is … “laugh now, cry later”. FFS :rage: :angry: :imp: