
Uh Oh …

From @whthek on the VC …


Probably shouldn’t admit to this but this is why I’m “anti-vax” of any and all vaccines. Then again, some “old fashioned” vaccines might be OK, but only the sensible ones and not the Frankenstein ones that have god knows what in them. In ancient times gone past (when I was a mere lad), vaccines were meant to stop you getting whatever you were vaccinated against and for the most part they did exactly that. Today however, well that’s up for debate.

I have a close family member who’s young son suffers from all sorts of behavioural problems (severe AHD mainly) and I guessed that the cause of it may have been the number of different vaccinations he’d been subjected to since birth. When I mentioned my theory I was immediately shot down, ridiculed and abused (still didn’t stop me from loving them though). Today the poor little bugger is on daily meds to try and keep it all in check.

I think from memory (not a 100% sure though), kids here in Oz end up getting around a dozen or so vaccinations before the age of 4 and if the kids are Indigenous or Torres Strait Islanders, they get an extra 4-6 on top of that. God only knows how many they get as they get older and it breaks my heart to see this happening. For what it’s worth, and I have my immunisation card to prove it, I only had 4 (legit) jabs as a child. No idea how I would’ve handled being a father, it might’ve been tough.

Is it any wonder people are anti-vax, especially considering the insanity of the last 3 years?

And then you have this. Need we say more?


OMG … what is this?


Well, who would’ve thunk it eh? We know, they know, and hopefully everyone else is slowly starting to “notice”. I firmly believe it will all come to pass eventually but what annoys me is that it’s taking so long. Frustrating to say the least.

With the exception of 2 instances I’m thankful that none of my family or friends have suffered any serious complications as a result of this insanity. The 2 instances in question (both jabbed and boosted) “might” just be the cards they were dealt with but in the back of my mind and deep in my gut I’m thinking possibly not.

Wow, that is indeed “great news” @Mikser. Shows there’s hope for us yet. So glad to see our Kiwi cousins saying no. I honestly thought they, being a part of Five Eyes would’ve gone along with the other 4 (Australia and UK included). As I said, there’s a glimmer of hope. Thanks mate.


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Well @Mikser let’s just say now we can TALK about it.

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1. Safe and Effective - A Second Opinion

2. Uninformed Consent

3. The Big Reset

4. Died Suddenly

5. Fluvid-19

6. A Good Death

7. I Am Not Misinformation

8. Following The Science? - COVID Fraud

9. The Time Is Now

10. The Plan Plus Extra Material Released With The Film

11. Cult of The Medics - Chapter #9

12. The Real Anthony Fauci (Part II I believe as well)

13. Tip Toe To Tyranny

14. Unmasked 2030

15. Fall of Cabal

16. Blu-Truth

17. Planet Lock Down

18. What Is Happening In This World

19. The Truth About Ivermectin plus A Second Film and yet Another Film (proving that Ivermectin would have helped save people in hospitals so they decided to demonize it and allow people to die regardless)

20. The Real Bill Gates

21. Science For Hire

22. Unacceptable Views

23. Tracked and Traced - The Rise of The Digital Beast

24. Terrain

25. Mask Documentary

26. Vax-Nation - Show Me Your Papers and Part II and Part III

27. COVID LAND and Part II

28. The Emperor Has No Corona

29. Our Voices Matter

30. Anecdotals

31. Non Essential

32, Plandemic 3

33. Silent No More

34. Plandemic 2 - Indoctrination

35. Rigged - Maddie’s Story

36. Vaccine Induced - The Story of Shaun Mulldoon

37. Documentary About COVID-19 Resistance (Story of Cartoonist Bob Motan)

38. The Push Back

39. Where Is My Period?

40. The Greatest Reset - Beast Rising

41. Stew Peters - CoVenom-19

42. Brave Reloaded

43. The Research Cartel (still in production)

44. The Psychology of Totalitarianism

45. Silenced, Censored and Ridiculed (The Media Lies)

46. Doctor’s Orders

47. The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good

48. Super Spreader - TRAILER

49. Genocide Sudden Death Compilation

50. Population Control (A COVID-19 Documentary)

51. The New Normal

52. Monopoly Who Owns The World

53. Battle Ground Melbourne

54. The Future of Vaccines (James Corbett)

55. The Fall Of The Cabal Full Documentary

56. Pandamned -The Documentary (please select your language by clicking CC, which means closed caption at the bottom of the movie screen)

57. The PCR Deception

58. The Psychology of COVID-19 Atrocities

59. Perspectives On The Pandemic

60. Shots - Eugenics to Pandemics

61. The Viral Delusion

62. Money and Murder In Hospitals

63. Never Again Is Now

64. Trudeau On Trial


66. The Introduction | Trudeau On Trial Docuseries (Episode 1)

67. Vaccines Revealed Trailer

68. State Of Control (




72. Unacceptable


74. New 2023 Documentary Premier Covidism- Contagious Deception

75. Choosing Health Freedom And Life In the Face of COVID and Impending Global Tyranny

76. “HARM ‘Covid 19’ Documentary” Pt-1. ‘The Great Awakening’

77. Follow The Silenced

78. Silenced - Silenced, NZ Documentary | Silenced

79. The Testimonies Project - Israel Vaccine Documentary

80. Raid (Rebel News - Montreal’s Curfew)

81. COVID Revealed

  1. Unseen Crisis

83. Final Days

84. Invisible Fences

85. The Hidden Health Crisis SOS

86. The Great Awakening

87.Making A Killing

88. The Truth Trilogy

89. We Are The Evidence - The Vaccine Reaction

90. Shot Dead Movie - We The Patriots USA, Inc

91. Cutting The Head Off The Snake In Geneva

92. Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story

93. Generation Covid: a film on the havoc wrought on the next American generation

94. The Big Picture - A Six Episode Docuseries

95. Covid Unmasked - 2020 and Beyond

96. Light and Shadow of the Unevaluable New Coronavirus Vaccine

97. Unsilenced: Canada’s Underground Medical Rebellion - Rebel News

98. River of Freedom Trailer



100. Beneath Sheep’s Clothing

101. Maid: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion

102. We Will Not Be Silenced



These two ladies (or whoever) aren’t very bright. If the cabal was after me I wouldn’t post my photo on BitChute…and I wouldn’t be smiling, lol.

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What a dismissive and arrogant response he got. You would think that any self-respecting professional would at least respond by saying, we appreciate your concern for the public’s health and we can assure you…blah blah blah. Nope, not even that, just flat out disrespect.


Horrific!!! That’s got to be the most ghastly and frightening medical anomaly I’ve ever seen. I had to stop the video and close my eyes because I was getting sick and nauseated. I pray for those who have succumbed to this hideous growth caused by none other than the monsters who created it.


Are these white blood clots showing up in just those who got the jab or anyone who’s had covid? Is the virus causing them, the vaccines or a combination of both???
Also, I never thought of it before reading a comment in one of those videos… but I recently had to OK a family member during a procedure to allow for a blood transfusion if needed. I’m guessing there’s no info on whether those bags of blood are labeled vaccinated or unvaccinated donors??
For those of us who opted out of getting the shot, it’s scary to think by accepting or needing blood we would be taking that kind of thing into our bodies. Major YIKES!!


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I walked out from a set for life mining job cause I refused the vax. My children or wife no vax. We all had covid a few times 3-4, First 2 times sucked but nothing to shut the world down over, worst symptom by far was completely losing my taste and smell for 2 weeks, other then that it wasn’t too bad, just a nasty flu. My wife has a bad auto immune disease so I was worried about her but she was also totally fine. My 5 year old was better in 2 days each time. I have friends and family that are fully vaxxed and so far they haven’t had issues but I do worry about them. My 18 year old sons high school teacher died in his sleep a week after a booster, only 43. A 9 year old kid that lives a few doors down from us now has daily seizures. Canada is so fucked, we need Trudeau gone asap. Since covid our whole country has become overrun with immigrants, which is fine I understand people want better lives but the amount our government has let in is beyond fucking bananas, my children have zero future. I feel like a minority in my own city now. I’m sure its the same for all you guys. What a world. We need a world wide revolution.


@jbitts I’m very sorry to hear that.

I would never tell anyone what to do or think, but I can share what happened in our house. My wife was compelled to get the shot by her employeer, and she got the first one. Hours after, we were at our FIRST trip to the Emergency room. Lot of tests, lots of confusion, but no one wanted to SAY anything about it. Very telling. I think a couple of days later her “issues” returned again, and back to the ER we went. Same same. Lots of tests, confusion, no answers. You could almost TELL that they were afraid to even speculate. Needless to say, she did not get the second shot.

We both had COVID, and wasn’t really bad, lost taste, flu symptoms, fairly non exciting. Fast forward to this year, I got Influenza B (Flu), and it was FAR worse. Just NOW getting my taste back LOL, AND, it interupted my damned SFT’s on the NomNomz flavors to make it worse.

EXACT same situation here. The bad news is, I can’t fully vet Dr. Mercola’s statements from that article yet, but I will say, we have a local family member who after getting fully vaxed, and boosted, has now been diagnosed with Dementia. The article above, got my attention.

Sorry to hear about things up in Canada, but it’s not much better down here. Same, same, and MORE same here.

That is not the first time I have heard that.

Indeed. Welcome to 2024, JUST like 2023, only worse.


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