Quercetin which is available on pharmacy and health store shelves and cold eez
@muth they are about ready to do real studies on zinc and how this virus reacts to it. Actually, they will probably be testing it on a lot of viruses.
It already is, has been from the start.
Anything that boosts your immune system is a plus. What I don’t like about this particular virus is that it’s similar to other cold/cough viruses that we are susceptible to repeatedly. I am in complete acceptance of what’s happening. I do believe that humans have been messing with nature in negative ways and now we’re paying the price. The bat bites back! Ya damn right it bites back. So would you if someone tried to kill and eat you. I’m sorry, but those wet markets are nasty and so are the people who partake in them. I’m not making an anti-Chinese comment. Not all Chinese approve of these places and practices. That’s all I’m going to say about the subject because it really messes with my mind.
@ muth,
right now it’s what they call a “contact infectious disease” 6 ft away to avoid things like sneezes but that’s how it spreads now. If it were airborne you could catch it on the other side hospital. You’d need a radiation type suit then.
Well, I’ll keep eating my zinc everyday. Can’t hurt. Heck, before this I hadn’t had a cold for like 5-6 yrs.
well, I think you would be amazed at the # of viruses that can’t tolerate zinc inside a human cell. It’s very possible it’s all of them. Right now the zinc your taking has to ride the wake of the virus as it goes in. It doesn’t have a chance to acidify the cell (zinc rips up RNA.), No chance to do a lot of things. That’s why you take the other herbal pill. It opens the door so to speak for zinc to get inside the cell without using the virus to piggyback on.
I think (not sure) South Korea had amazing luck with it. I did some research on zinc because me and my son take it for colds. It’s still a piggy back system but it really shortens the cold and makes it more tolerable.
Yes but I’d hate to be in a small place with internal air circulation without proper filtering. That’s why hospitals pipe pg through their air.
It’s advised to let it dissolve under your tongue so it goes straight to your blood and not through digestive juices. It’s impossible to find lozenges at high dosage though. I chew my tabs up and they dissolve faster. They have a sweet/metallic/chalky taste.
What herb is that?
It wouldn’t matter to you if your body had a way to slow it down or stop it. At that point this virus becomes tolerable. Some UV-C lighting to sterilize your home inside… then you go take a shower with body wash and you should be ok.
I’m waiting for my UV-C light to get here, my dr. told me to get a respiration facemask (I’m very high risk).
Oh I’m sorry you’re at high risk. Can you tell me more about the UV-C light. I’ve heard of them before but have no recommendations. I do however still have my twin filter respirator from my house painting days.
You want to take zinc gluconate (make sure the cold eeze lozenges have that in it), and Quercetin. That’s an herbal form of what Hydroxyzine. Look for them both.
I’m not selling it, not gifting it, and nothing else with it. You go get it from the store. I had a whole thread dedicated to it. I got ripped up to much so I deleted everything. I thought it was a good idea. I think its still about the coronavirus.
A UV-C light is the only UV light that breaks up RNA and DNA. You don’t want to get into it. It will burn you fast. We don’t get any on the earth. The ozone layer blocks it. You can buy them online but amazon and places like that are sold out. It will sterilize rooms in 15-30 minutes depending on the wattage you get. It’s like bleach though so you should use white sheets on the bed lmao.
It’s ok. I PM’ed you about what a UVC light was. It’s not actually about the coronavirus thread. I’m ulra high risk my dr says. High blood pressure, Parkinsons… Those are some of the people this virus attacks and it’s rough on them. Lethal. That’s the problem with this virus. It can kill people who look and can be fully functional
If NYC is a case model of what’s going to happen to the big cities… This 15 day shelter in place bit isn’t doing much. Right now the world is in a global recession at best. A depression a close 2nd, and a total collapse 3rd.
I’m hoping NYC is the acception not the norm for big cities. It would be disastrous if it was.I haven’t checked today to see what the stock market looks like today. If we can’t get control of this virus then it’s going to colapse.
Be very careful with UV-C light. (Not specifically directed at you Doug - but anyone reading). Do not expose yourself to UV-C light. The bulb you can use, is used to sterilize rooms - and you do not want to be in the room when it is lit
The one I picked is a directional one. They make whole room ones but a lot of them produce lots of ozone too. It’s difficult to find ones that don’t. I sent him links to websites that he can buy them. I did that in a pm. because they aren’t part of the thread.
My Dr gave me some N95 masks I’m so high risk in his mind. I have to go to stores in the evening and all sorts of restrictions. Mechanic’s rubber gloves. fun fun.
And funny that the community spread started in a small upscale neighborhood on Long Island and not where you would expect it like mid town Manhattan.
New Orleans is in the beginnings of an outbreak now… They say it was fueled by the Mardi Gras a month ago with 1 million in attendance… more news to come…
Look directly at density. Population per area. Those people are packed together like sardines in a can. Given that the activity in the U.S. has been relegated to response to known cases and the incubation period, coupled with non symptomatic carriers, New York’s numbers are not at all surprising. As density decreases so will percentage of infections. N.Y. was also probably the most seeded geographic from overseas as well.