As soon that this broadcast went viral on the Italian social media, journalists and experts began explaining it away saying, that the virus in the video was not COVID-19. Even the British journal Nature, which wrote the very publication this Italian show was based on, clarified that the virus the broadcast talked about was not related to the “Natural” COVID-19.
However, that is beside the point. This is not to say that the viruses are literally the same. This is to say that the information presented in the video is consistent with the information that China is doing a lot of research on bioweapons, and that the impact of the virus in the broadcast has a lot in common with mainstream information about the symptoms of COVID-19.
(CDC, March 31, 2020):
For a breakdown of hospital admissions data for various “co-morbidities”, see Table 1 here:
You’d think they would also produce vaccines to protect their own.
Here is a statement quoted by the Washington Post that (may) be interesting to further investigate:
Ms. Gao: And those BSL research labs, they are also, there have been reports that they are potentially being used for bio chemical weapons development. What’s your opinion?
Mr. Trevan: I have not seen any evidence of that. China is a full member of the biological weapons convention. They’re a full member of the chemical weapons convention. And under both of those conventions, it’s illegal to, to develop and produce, stockpile research on offensive biological weapons or even talks in weapons that are chemicals created by biological organisms. So China has international obligations not to work on those organisms for offensive purposes or to keep weapons or develop anything that might enable them to have weapons like that. As, as I say, to my knowledge, there’s no indication anywhere that other countries suspect China of actually developing these biologic weapons.
Ms. Gao: Tell me why don’t you think China is developing biological weapons.
Mr. Trevan: Biological weapons have been banned internationally since the early seventies, 1972, the biological weapons convention came into effect. China was an original secondary and is a full, fully signed up member for that convention.
Ms. Gao: By the way, that wouldn’t persuade me.
Mr. Trevan: But the main reason I don’t think we see biological weapons at the level of state enterprise is that they aren’t very effective militarily. And they’re very hard to control. You need to protect your own population, whether that’s your soldiers or whether your civilian population, particularly if you’re talking about a live agent, and for them to have any impact on the field, you need to produce some very, very large quantities and deliver them effectively. …
… Ms. Gao: … What if they release the virus to another country in the populated areas?
Mr. Trevan: Well, we see with a real pandemic you can’t just release a virus into one country. It won’t just stay in one country. If it’s an effective virus in terms of warfare purposes, it’s going to be virulent and it’s going to be passed off, which means then it can come back to your borders, in which case before you release it, you have not only to have a treatment and prophylaxis for it, but you need to have prepared your entire population to be protected against it. So it makes it very ineffective. …
… Ms. Gao: … which countries are currently developing biological weapons?
Mr. Trevan: No country admits to having a biological weapons program, but certainly there were concerns that Syria might be developing them when they were the uses of chemical weapons recently in the civil war there. And there’s always a concern about North Korea. What are the North Koreans developing? So there’s a concern that North Koreans have both chemical and biological weapons programs in addition to their nuclear program.
As a member of this biosecurity community for more than 30 years - I was special adviser to the chairman of the United Nations weapons inspectors in Iraq and covered chemical and biological disarmament with the UK Foreign Office in both London and Geneva, Switzerland - I believe this to be a false dichotomy. The research should be published in full, as it will be this week.
In fact, I will go further and say that the whole concept of dual-use biological research that is ‘of concern’ is flawed. It is a dangerous distraction, an inappropriate hangover from nuclear-threat analysis. Almost all biological knowledge can be either misused or applied for good.
Those concerned about publishing full details of the mutant-flu work say that they fear the research will be misused to develop more-effective biological weapons. But who would want to use a live, highly transmissible, virulent organism as a weapon, and to what purpose? And would censorship stop them?
Although such a weapon would strike terror and harm economies, its impacts would be uncontrollable, indiscriminate and unpredictable. And compared with conventional weapons, it would be slow to take effect and relatively easy to combat, through prompt vaccination and treatment.
That severely restricts the number of potential users. An uncontrollable weapon is unsuited to targeted attacks and its use would heap opprobrium on the user. And if insurgents or terrorists unleashed a catastrophic and indiscriminate attack on civilians, it would devastate sympathy for their cause.
The only groups who might logically consider using such a weapon are those for whom humans are the problem, such as environmental extremists and animal-rights activists, or apocalyptic sects, such as the Japanese terrorist cult Aum Shinrikyo, which released sarin gas in the Tokyo underground in 1995. Then there are those who do not care about casualties, such as a state or a regime that believes it faces imminent existential threat, or suicide fighters.
How so ?
The point about inabilities to control the extent of geographical spread seems to hold some water ?
The fact the Wuhan Institute of Virology and The Wuhan Center of Disease Control and Prevention just happened to be researching Novel Bat Coronavirus ( Horseshoe Bats) is a ‘coincidence’ that stretches credibility that this virus could have accidentally escaped from one of these facilities via an exposed scientist.
Note that one of these labs is just a few yards away from said wet market. The other 7 miles.
Have not seen that information. Could you possibly post some (internet accessible) reference URLs ?
probably more info out there… Reddit tossed their chat of it.
I’m not sure I can fully agree with that but time will tell.
“GREAT events never have minor omens. When great evil occurs, great good follows.”
Any excuse to keep those nasty wet markets or to just be in shameful denial. I’m disgusted.
It’s part of their culture… just like they use dogs and cats as food.
You are ok thinking its disgusting… but if you were born there, you would not think so.