Creating a Bread/Toast/Biscuit Flavor

Anyone interested in jumping in on the band wagon to create a perfect: Biscuit, Toast, and Bread?

Here’s my starts

TOC’s Buttermilk Biscuit

2% Biscuit (INAWERA)
1% Butter Cream (CAP)
1% Cookie (FA)
1% Joy (FA)
3% Whipped Cream (TPA)

Flavor total: 8% (haven’t tested this yet )

butter toast trial

2% Biscuit (INAWERA)
1.5% Butter Cream (CAP)
0.76% Joy (FA)

Flavor total: 4.26%
(not tested)

Other idea were using Rice Crunchies with AP or Cereal (HC) with AP?

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In my opinion the Biscuit is too high. I’d try 1% or maybe 1.5% at the highest. That’s just from my experience. Every time I used 2% it seemed to have a funky flavor. Is your flavor stash public? Mixing 1% FA Cream with 2% FA Vienna Cream gives a nice texture to bread-ish juices.


It’s public awesome I love the Fresh Cream and Vienna


So something like this then? On the buttermilk biscuit thing I’m trying to keep the Whipped Cream and Butter cream because that’s basically what FA suggested to get my buttermilk flavor.

butter toast trial

1% Biscuit (INAWERA)
1.5% Butter Cream (CAP)
1% Cream Fresh (FA)
0.76% Joy (FA)
2% Vienna Cream (FA)

Flavor total: 6.26%

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I think French toast would be where it’s at.

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I think I’ll have to learn how to do it from scratch. I already have maple sryup cap and it’s a no good flavor so far.

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This one is showing promise:
Biscuit (Inw) 1 %
Joy (FA) .7%
Pie Crust (TPA) 1.5%
Rice Crunchies (TPA) 3 %

Also this one:
Croissant (SC)(WF) 2%
Joy (FA) .7%
Rice Crunchies (TPA) 3%

Only been steeping a few days and taste like dry toast with a very small amount of butter (possibly due to the Biscuit in the first and croissant in the second). May have to increase the percentage a little to get a more pronounced flavor, since it is a little light. Now I just have to figure out the jam part.


since this thread popped open… someone have a crack at this one…
thick buttered toast :wink:

I already have quiet a few people that enjoy this… so here it is…


So how did the bread part end up on this?


I honestly forgot all about it. Still have the samples. I’ll try them out later on today and let you know.


Sorry @authormichellehughes. I didn’t get a chance to try vape them yet. I did finger test one sample and it was really good. Tasted like toast with a tad of butter. I’ll have to look at the mix and post it for you. I don’t think it was either of the two I posted, but a variation of them.


Thanks for taking the time. I’m so tired of working on this profile LOL. I’ve vaped so much crap trying to nail this down


This one is closest, although I may have to bring the Joy down a bit. Still has a saltine cracker taste in the background.

Biscuit (Inw) 1 %
Joy (FA) .7%
Pie Crust (TPA) 1.5%
Rice Crunchies (TPA) 3 %

Yes it is the same as the first mix posted above, but I thought it was different. Anyway, I’ve seen alot of jam monster clones using cereal 27. I’m going to try replacing the rice crunchies with cereal 27 and see where that goes.

Maybe this:
Biscuit (Inw) .5 %
Joy (FA) .25%
Pie Crust (TPA) 1.5%
Cereal 27 (CAP) 3 %


Thanks so much Deer!!!


Your welcome. I’m not sure if you will like it, been 1 1/2 years since I began vaping and my taste buds are still in the process of changing so my taste is different. I’ll let you know on the newer mix if it achieves what I feel is a better toast flavor.


LOL let me show you my failures and trust me I’m willing to try someone else’s after this nightmare.

TOC’S Buttered Toast Trial
0.20% Baked Bread (SC) (Real Flavors)
1.00% Biscuit (INAWERA)
2.00% Croissant (VTA)

Flavor total: 3.2%

TOC’S Toasted Bread Test
0.10% Baked Bread (SC) (Real Flavors)
1.00% Croissant (VTA)

Flavor total: 1.1%

TOC’S Buttered Toast Tester
0.20% Almond (Mandorla) (FA)
0.10% Baked Bread (SC) (Real Flavors)
1.00% Biscuit (INAWERA)
0.40% Cheesecake (Flavorah)
0.50% Golden Butter (CAP)
1.00% Graham Crust (FA)
0.40% Granola (Flavorah)
1.00% Marshmallow (FA)
0.40% Popcorn (Flavorah)
1.00% Vienna Cream (FA)

Flavor total: 6%

Just a FEW of my failures LOL


There’s alot in that last one, lol


I hope this was a 120ml tester!


LOL I discovered the HARD way 1 drop per 15 ml


Yeah, this one should come with special instructions on the bottle! I lean toward 1 drop/45ml, but it’s been a while, need to revisit this one.