I was using this feature to set aside recipes I wanted to take a closer look at in the near future. Rather than adapt them, I put in favorite for either notes I took, ideas I had, flavors I wanted, in depth comments made or for other reasons other than to just make sure I looked at it more closely that just mix it and try.
Today I went back to have a look at a few I was anxious to re visit, after being busy with FT, only to find the 10 I have left in there are now unavailable and set to private .
I guess my idea to use this tool the way I have is not useful. How do you all use it> Just curious and maybe it will better help me decide its purpose
That’s how I use it too. And found a few had disappeared into the shadows too. So I screenshot it or create it in private in my own recipe store in case it would happen again .
I did it just like you did and also found a lot have gone private. If the person has a forum profile you can PM them and see if they’ll send it to you. If the whole thing was deleted but you remember who it was you could try the same. I don’t know another way to recover them but since I learned this, I usually adapt them right away without changing them. That’s the only way to keep them unfortunately.
never had it happen to me but never really thought about it doing that. i think from now on ill take the time right then and there to adapt and move it to a folder 'other peps mix unmixed" for example. Thks for pointing that out!
Ok so I guess we are using it as intended, just didnt factor this into consideration. I never thought of them being removed to be honest since I got them from the forum side links in topics being discussed… not just randomly searching recipe’s on the other side.
So, yes, you are better off adapting all you have interest in for whatever reasons. I suggest making a folder and putting them in their and maybe marking that fold my favorite alternative. Otherwise you recipes will now be a mess like mine are
I used to favorite a lot of mixes but that there brought me to just adapting something i want to favorite. Now that we have folder it is pretty easy to separate them from the rest.
That is a pretty good point, i just went through my old favorites, ones i didnt remove cuz lazy, and there were a half dozen that are private or missing in just the first 50 mixes.
I use it to save the original recipes that I want to make (or have made), but when there’s one I want to make I always adapt it immediately. That’s the only way to make sure that it doesn’t disappear.
This is why adapting is the only real option to make sure things remain available.
Recipes can, and do disappear for a number of reasons. But if you have control over it… There’s far less chance of things occurring without your knowledge.
PS: I had to learn this the hard way when someone left. Then I ran across a thread where either JoJo or Amy2 suggested using the “Adapt” function, and I’ve been fine ever since!