I am about to order a new custard flavour what do you suggest other than capella ? I got Flavour art, Flavour west, TPA/TFA and Great lakes to choose from. And it’s because I want my stuff for pick up instead of waiting a week. I have capella also but want to try something different.
What FA custard ??? Ifnits the original pass on it…If you can get TPA Vanilla Custard 2 that would be my choice
Should I just get 'capellas? Im almost out of v1 I have lots of v2
TPA VC is worth getting if your not a pepper taster…
What you mean by pepper tsster? Ive never tasted pepper on any of the custards ivevaped, I just cracked my phone screen fuck
Shit. Thats what I get for no protection ugh
Your in canada why arent you buying from Diyejuice.com …Or direct from WF ?? There is another one up there fairly popular @zippy can help you
Hey Zippy what arr the top Flavor Comapnaies in Canada with biggest selection
Also @ladycrooks you can order from ChefsFlavours in the UK their shipping is great and they have All the flavors you will ever want …Americans have to buy certain things from Chefs not available to us here
Have you tried TPA vanilla bean ice cream ??
TPA VC and VBIC are the usual suspects they are the only two that I get pepper from besides LB VIC over 4pct
Oh no that sucks sorry
The FA Custard has a lemon note to it. The FA Premium Custard has to come from the UK and it’s much better. TPA Vanilla Custard II is also very good.
Wf only sells big bottles from what I’ve seen
Does.chefs flavours ship world wide?
Yes Chefs sells everywhere…That is the place where you will get the FA premium custard and other flsves you should have …
My take on custards…
TFA Vanilla Custard both 1 and II, Inw Custard, FA Custard Premium, WF Vanilla Custard SC, WF Flapper Pie SC.
If you have TFA Cheesecake (Graham Crust) a bit can help with texture/feel. Can also use creams like Bavarian and sweet cream to add more creaminess. TFA Vanilla Swirl works well in a custard. CAP French Vanilla Deluxe is a good add too.
They said there’s 0 matching my results on that link
She only has a choice of certain ones…