Custard order

Which FA custard is it? The Custard Flavor (FA) you used is not the correct one in the database. Is it Custard (Crema Pasticcera) (FA) or Custard Premium (FA)?

They are 2 different profiles for custard.


I was talking about FA Custard Premium. I am only able to get that one from Chef’s in the UK. I don’t know much about the plain FA Custard other than what others have said, that it has a lemon note to it.

There is no way really to know if you ruined your mix by just looking at it. I mean try it and see what it tastes like now that it has steeped for a bit. Looking at your recipe, for me that’s a high on the butterscotch but that’s for me. It may be perfectly fine for you.


I have vanilla custards by CAP, FLV, TFA, DIYVS, FA & RF. They all have their unique qualities & places in recipes. As for an all-around, versatile one that could work in a multitude of mixes, I would consider the FLV. It costs a little more, but I have a few recipes I will not sub others for it on.


We seem to have a lot of different options on custard here. To me every custard out there fails in one form or another. Each one has it pros and cons. My favorite custard is a mix I use as my custard base is a mix of Cap VC V1, FA custard ( American version) , and INW custard.
People are bad mouthing FA but I think it’s the best of the three because it is the most versital of the three.
I vape it straight but use it as a base when I want to change up with fruit, bakery, or whatever I want.

This is an adaptation of another recipe.


Buy a gallon it’s worth it LOL … I have yet to find a sub for vanilla pudding… I strongly believe you can put vanilla pudding and cap sugar cookie together and anything tastes great


I noticed you use FA’s Milk Condensed in your recipe. I had opted out of buying it based on the Flavor Notes I read on ELR, mostly this one:

Holy Hell, Batman! This crap is STRONG I put 0.25% in a mix and I tasted nothing but SOUR vomit. Not regular vomit, mind you… SOUR VOMIT! I

The rest of the Notes vary between saying it’s just like Condensed Milk while other say it’s like Powdered Milk. Which would you say it’s like?

One thing most Users agree on is that it’s very strong and should be diluted anywhere from 5-20%. Since you’re using it over the recommended % (based on what I’ve read in the User Notes), I was wondering it you’re using it full strength or diluted in your recipe.

Also, can Rick’s SugarDaddy be substituted 1:1 for sweeteners like SuperSweet (CAP) and Sweetener (TPA)? There’s nothing in the Flavor Notes about substitutions, but it seems to be a mix of every sweetener except for Monk Fruit and very sweet.

edit: corrected flavor name


Sugar Daddy (IMO) is used at 1% while Super Sweet is used at 0.50%


I think I have about 10 different variations on custard and I like all of them for different reasons LOL


Do you have a favorite, or at least a top 3? Would you recommend any of them to be vaped by themselves, or do they all need to be mixed to be appreciated?

Which custards do you have, and what are your recommended % and steep times for them?
Enquiring Minds want to know!:wink:


I don’t vape any of them by themselves, not that you couldn’t, I guess, I just don’t. My favorites?’S%20Quick%20Custard and this I vape every single day because it’s my favorite and the easiest to mix up.


I get a sweet heavy milk taste for baking. Much like you get out of a can. I don’t pick up sour at all. I don’t dilute. Nothing like powdered milk. I do make 500ml at a time. The bottle I’m working off of is now just short of a year old.

Feel free to use any sweetener you have on hand. This is DIY. Make it your’s. Start low and work your way up. Sugar Daddy isn’t as sweet as CAP’s SS
so I would start at the same percentage and taste.

Total steep would start at a month. The longer it sits the better it tastes.


I actually really like the custard (crema pasticcera)(FA). its not bad, I can see where I would use it in alot of recipies.


LOL - I think I’m seeing a trend there w/ those recipes. Flavorah’s Vanilla Pudding seems to be a favorite of yours. FA’s Custard Premium and Inawera’s Custard also seem to be real faves. I’ve got both of them, but I guess I’ll add Vanilla Pudding to my cart next time I go shopping. You wouldn’t steer me wrong now, would you? :slight_smile:

How would you compare Flavorah’s Sweetness to sweeteners like Sweetener (TPA) or SugarDaddy (RIck), which are also mixes/blends of sweeteners? Can it be substituted 1:1 for either of them in recipes? (or for Super Sweet (CAP) for that matter)


The thing about sweeteners is you add it, shake vigorously and you’re good to go. Start low, work up.


Flv sweetness is more concentrated than tfa sweetener.
Use it at 0.25% first to try.


I like it more than CAP VC V1. Like i said they all have their pros and cons and they all fall short in one aspect or another. Mixing the three covers more of the bases INW custard is also gives a great flavor but runs a little dry.


I’m OBSESSED with Vanilla pudding just making that known. I use sweetness by flavorah the same as I do Super Sweet by Capella 0.50% I don’t notice a difference if I’m being fair, it just depends on which one I pull out first LOL. Sugar Daddy is 1% for me and I do the same with TPA and FW sweeteners if I use them :slight_smile:


Your right about the Butterscotch i found that out the more it ages the stronger it gets. I need to fix this a bit and thats why I keep them hidden at least until I know what they’re going to do.


I know this is frombandew months ago but I have been through even more custards and more waste. My 3 favourites seem to be (cap) V1, custard premium (FA) Vanilla custard 2 (TPA)


The same here, and also, custard inawera