Nice review brother, very entertaining and informative I can’t believe that’s happened to the top of yours, I’ve been using mine every day with a leaky bottom airflow RDA and it’s still perfect…
Do you think leaking is the cause of that or isn’t it just that his RDA has been tightened too hard onto the mod? If you keep twisting when it’s screwed on, I figure you can do that to any mod that has paint on it.
It’s a spring loaded 510, a regular light handed touch should be all that’s required. A little lubrication might even help.
Overall, the paint does look weak on this mod.
Oh it’s def not weak, far from it, I mean that looks like liquid is getting under it to me not scratches, unless his RDA is getting incredibly hot…I dunno…
@anon28032772 @Steampugs I’m an over dripper no doubt about that but this is the only time I have ever seen or had one that did that. I mean, this ain’t my first rodeo so… No, it didn’t get incredibly hot. I admit, I’m hard on my gear but thats just weird. I just got done watching a couple reviews on it and at least 2 of them had discoloration but not bubbling paint.
Obviously after all those years, the Chinese still haven’t figured out how to work with paint… it will be a while before I buy a Chinese car, that’s for sure When you scratched the side of the mod on camera, to me that indicated how weak the paint (on this mod at least) is.
A pitty though because I like the style… If it had proper sensors / chip so it could handle TC and good paint, it would be a great mod.
Your cat didn’t feature in this vid … did you finally get him some treats?
Ya, the TC wasn’t that great which kinda confused me. Why release it? I need to go and read @Steampugs review and see if he mentioned TC and the paint is disappointing just so DISAPPOINTING.
I had to cut that part out.
Yes because my TC write ups are legendary right
Not a clue, but the paint is a real shock to me, I’ve chucked this thing in my bag with a handful of other mods, I’m not known for my finesse know what I mean … Not a single scratch on it anywhere, I think you may have got a bad one man… Possible contamination on the alloy before coating maybe… I dunno, not right that though, if it was bought by a gen public it would probably go back.
I’m a big fan of the GEN, however it is not without it’s issues.
Presently I have two in rotation, both with a Kylin M on board, and the setup is amazing, in TC, however STC is another ballgame.
First off I have had no issues with the finish, at all.
Pulse works very well with no discernible pulsing going on, I love it.
STC is not able to correctly identify the coil material being used and in my opinion is assigning the wrong temp and wattage, resulting in far to high a temp/wattage, which even when trying to burn the cotton did not succeed, so it looks like it does actually restrict the power as it should in TC.
DIY works just fine and is where I keep my GEN’s, running SS mesh, SS single wire and SS fused claptons. Testing has been on the Kylin M’s as well as Dead Rabbit, VV Pulse 24, Doom, Profile RDA and Unity.
I am presently e-mailing back and forth with Vaporesso trying to identify what could be the cause of the issues in STC mode, so I am hopeful that a resolution may be found.
Note: the STC has been raised as an issue on another forum, so a firmware upgrade, other than V1.2 could be in the pipeline, which may address the problem.
Having said all that, just use it in normal TC, Pulse or VW and you will be very happy with the Vaporesso GEN.
You remembered to say it!
Fucking A @Dan_the_Man, total riot video. You just don’t hear enough reviews say things like, “Awwww man, I wish I wouldn’t have done that”. THAT, says you’re diving deep into what’s what. Sharp objects, regrets, keep tossing them in there, and your subscribers will keep increasing.
“Ramma Lamma Ding Dong” just NEVER gets old !!!
Well THAT was entertaining. “New Load or Old Load?” For some twisted reason I found that hilarious. You look like you’re having a lot of fun doing these vids and the opening sequences are cool. The Gen’s menu system appears to have improved (from what I could see) compared to the Luxe, which I think sux.
I don’t know if it was my connection, a brain cramp or what but the audio level seemed like it dropped way down at about 12:28 and through to the end. Nonetheless great review brother. Keep it up!
Yep I had the same thing.
@Tworrs What he said. I need to pick up the Kylin M. You like it, I take?
@TorturedZen Thanks brother.
@anon44012888 Just for you my man. BTW love the new Avatar.
Your comments had me laughing out loud Thanks for the encouragement. Means a lot, Truly.
OH yes brother, I LOVE them.