Agreed …
My main concern is making sure I don’t get any nic in my eyes. That will make you blind. Dizziness I could live with. Pretty much that way all the time anyway.
I know. They are making a mountain out of a molehill. They have their reasons, and they are not good.
I’ll say again… the attempt to kill vaping recently with the “death frenzy” failed as they were unable to contain the fact that tainted THC cartridges were to blame, not nicotine vaping. So they will use every avenue possible to convince the general public that vaping is a scary, fringe underworld culture so the public has a negative opinion of it. They more they fail to convince the genpop, the more desperate they will become.
A story about DIY juice making is inane and silly, but they are still rolling it out to try to paint vaping (and vapers) in a negative light. Strength through Joy, is what it is.
And I don’t give a royal rats ass. They can label all they want. This old curmudgeon does not care.
Yes they are and yes they will continue to do so.
Yes they are and yes they will. They are a lot like the gooberment. They don’t give a damn about your health. They just want your money.
Until all the ban stuff I was using 36 mg nicotine (and I still am until it’s gone) but I bought 100 mg nicotine to mix down and purchased a press-in adapter because no spills and that works for me. I only vape 3 mg in my eliquid too.
Absolutely agree on that. I always wear reading glasses when I mix.