Diyvaporsupply test

As many know of all the neg stories with them recently and lately including my own. Not a great track record at all from people being double charged or not getting their orders.
Some people saying they are closed.

I wanted to do a test and i really wanted a couple flavors i can not get elsewhere. I placed a very small order , came to 10 bucks including shipping just to see if they are really closed or if i get my order. I probably shouldnt have but in reality they are the only place to get a large number of flavors and them going down is a pretty big hit to diy’ing soi gave it one more chance.i dont like holding grudges.

I ordered yesterday and good news so far is that it shipped out already this morning. They are def open still.


That’s good to hear but geez, a vendor shouldn’t be such a tentative place to order from. Who wants to be biting their fingernails? I totally get it though. I was going to order Solubarome SB on Toast at Nomz because they carry the brand but they didn’t have the flavor stocked. DIYVS is the only other place I know to get it.


It’s actually easy muth, nomz makes it easy. I’ll be ordering from them again.


I need to edit my post because that last sentence isn’t true and it was meant to be about ordering from Sobucky in Poland. Idk how it got in there, lol. I was talking to STR8 about SSA in another post. Lately, I feel like I’m losing my marbles :crazy_face: However, thx for mentioning that. I used to order from Chef’s and that was pretty easy, too. Creme de Vape has great deals but a pita to order from. Nice people though.


Thank goodness, only place to get NF at a decent price.


I was about to take a chance myself because I’m getting close to needing some OOO Cream De La Creme and DIYVS is the only place I know that carries it… but then read that OOO rebranded it as Cream Blend 2. Actually, that may have happened a while back, so what DIYVS carries may be old af :man_shrugging:


Thats what i ordered. It would honestly suck to lose them for the whole diy community. As shady as there business has been lately i dont want to see them shutdown. So many flavors you just cant get anyehere else


You’re not allowed to @muth!


So true and so unbelievable that they are all in that little rinky dink building :rofl:


Too late…I think the damage is done :face_with_spiral_eyes:
(although, better quality sleep might be the solution) If you witnessed my sleep habits you’d be shaking your head. Last night I found the upper half of my body hanging off my bed. I woke up and said wtf how did this happen?


Ha! Makes me wonder what you did before going to bed.


Have you ever heard of Revenge Sleepers? It’s a thing.


Never heard the term so had to look it up…I have this! :rofl:


Good to hear that they are still working. I spoke to the guys there a few days ago. They said business has dropped significantly but they will try to continue to offer products as long as they have them available. There may be slight delays as they have had to cut staff due to the slow business. I know here in Houston that at least 2 good dedicated vape shops have shut their doors due to lack of business.


Shops closing around me also. They tell me everyone is grabbing gas station disposables.
I grabbed one of them last year when I broke my mod at work. Never again. Tasted like I was vaping my grandmother’s perfume


Right I grabbed a strawberry ice disposable for shits and giggles at a gas station. It is super floral strawberry and a shit ton of coolant.:cold_face:


@McDuckie, and others, might not be a bad time to go big on some of your hard to find, must haves from them. I think I’m going to.


We ought to send some business their way. They do offer some brands that no one else does. I love that they have Tasty Puff, Solub Arome, Nature’s Flavors, Health Cabin, LorAnn, Molinberry, Delosi, and even more.

They hold a pretty valuable place for the hard to find.


Hehe, trying to get to 50 Nature’s Flavors now …


I sent a message to @Plunderdrum a few days ago, asking him which NF are a must haves and which ones to avoid. I haven’t heard back from him yet.