Some i know are good is butterscotch, almond cream, chocolate malt, danish, pancake, strawberry daiquiri and fresh bread pretty good. I dont remember which others off the top of my head
I am reading through that post right now, I am only half way through and I just finished reading the portion with your notes so it looks like I will have to delete half the NF’s from my cart, lol.
I noticed you used a lot if them you reviewed around 1 percent. I havent tried half those flavirs but did you try them hogher. Iv always used nf flavors much higher in the 3 to 6 percent range
Yeah, was surprised to see Cookie Dough in your cart after you’ve already reviewed it. I know, I know, we have so many dang ass flavors so we forget what we already have.
Well some I know I like, and am going to go big. Honestly except for the ones I use, I forgot which ones I reviewed 4 years ago, BUT, all I have to do is cross reference them to my cart.
That strawberry daiquiri i remember being oretty damn good. I used it in a strawberry daiquiri juice i sold back in the day.
The chocolate malt is great. Tastes like whoppers. The fudge is also pretty good. Its a bit strong as syrupy though.Almost borderlines on a slight fruity note
Butterscotch i used in one of my top selling juices back in the day too