Diyvaporsupply test

Well they can do it the easy way, or the hard way @STR8V8PING. I have no clue if James even has my order LOL.

Well again, 25 orders good, 1 order bad, let’s see what happens. Chargebacks happen, ALL the time…

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Alright, alright, alright. Let’s put ALL the details out, for the sake of transparency, just so EVERYONE, is on the same page.

  • 07-12-24 Placed Order
  • 07-17-24 Order changed to “Awaiting Shipment”
  • 07-24-24 Order Shipped
  • 07-29-29 Received incorrect order for another customer, including packing slip. Filled out Contact form, directly emailed, left voicemails.
  • 07-30-24 24 hours later, no response, initiated chargeback with CC company
  • 08-03-24 Receive FIRST email, stating error on their part, and correct order was shipped. Contacted other customer, and personally shipped his order to him.
  • 08-05-24 Received order, along with additional store credit. Incorrect order I shipped to other customer arrived.

Now, as I said above, I love the random, hard to find flavors that DIYVS offers, and I have ordered from them 25 times, with NO issue.

And there you have it.


Sounds like a shit show.
Thankful I don’t need anything from them


Damn that sucks. Glad you got it but having to do a chargeback for them to respond is bs


How did you find the other customer


@STR8V8PING I’m trying to be fair, and it ain’t always easy, BUT, I’ve heard they’re really short staffed, and I know what that does to an operation.

If I hadn’t of run the chargeback, would they have still figured it out, fixed it, contacted me ?? Maybe, but I’ll never know. Just laying the facts out, as they happened.

I mean it does seem ODD, that out of the 25 orders I’ve placed with them, I only had an issue with ONE.


LOL, his packing slip was in his order (shipped to me). I just texted him. :slight_smile: