Diyvaporsupply test

I’ve heard it is really good, but I don’t know if I’m a ginger vaper or not. Hmmmm, may have to try it anyway.

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I’ve never solo’d it, but used it for a lot of PB&J’s and it worked out great. I don’t recall getting any overt crust, BUT, it wasn’t lacking, and it didn’t leave you wanting.


Maybe try using it as an accent in some bakery mixes or a ginger ice cream or in tea. My first reaction on ginger ice cream was the same as ube ice cream, I felt that the idea was weird until I tasted it. Since I found ube ice cream at Trader Joe’s I have to abstain or else I eat the entire container. No control…and that color, wow! The whole experience is too fun :grin:


I thought you gave the Cookie Dough a low rating, but apparently I am mistaken.


Ehhh, it was above average, but not stellar.


I don’t see Butter Pecan on your list??


Works good with apple and pear


LOL, got stuck on a phone call, and have SEVEN slots left. I was limiting myself to 50 this time @KC111 !!!


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:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
I’m pleading the 5th here…


I wasn’t overly impressed with the NF but I have been very impressed with Delosi and Bickford. Of course RF and SA are avail @ DIYVapor going to be picking up a few of them.


Test complete. Shipped out the day after i ordered and received today. 4 days total. Packaged good. Still crappy paper labels but oh well. No issues.well just noticed one small issue. They labeled the pound cake bickford but i ordered sterling cloud pound cake. I dont think bickfor has a pound caje so it should be the correct flavor just mislabeled


Holy crap. I just sft this sterling cloud pound cake. What a hidden gem. By FAR the best pound cake iv ever tried… its legit pound cake. They git everything right in a pound cake for once. Texture and moisture is there and even that nice sweet butter outer layer. If you looking for pound cake this is the one you NEED. Usually they are either too light or have no texture or butter is wrong or have lemon. This one is nicely saturated right off the shake.

Havent tried many sterling cloud but so far they are 3 for 3. Vanilla crea , pb cup and now pound caje all good


NO! STOP! lol. Ive already got 400-500 to many flavorings again and no will power. Added to my amazon wish list, dernit! The Van Cream Cookie Filling is gonna be a real good one! A bit lite on smell but not lite on flavor.


I gitta see if it fades after steeping but right now its a awesone pound caje. Really flavorfull


LMAO :rofl: I completely agree Ken. I’m starting to accumulate way too many flavors again. I had it down under 100 now I’m back to around 175. That darn 5x5 FLV challenge LOL. Luckily about 75 are 3ml bottles or near empty 10 ml’s. So I won’t feel bad if I just toss them out.

I snagged a 3ml sample from a friend back in NY, he use’s it in a regular Oreo cookie recipe that’s pretty darn good.



Yes we know SD you have so many flavors that you could start your own flavor supply company. LMAO :rofl: :joy:. And probably have a better selection than BC.


If you need more just holler, ive got more than enough for me.


Welp, my good run MAY (or may not) have come to an end. Had a FIRST happen from DIYVS. NOW, let’s start out by saying, it happens. I ordered 27 Nature’s Flavors and Sterling flavors, and I got 5 TPA and randos.

Good news is, it wasn’t even MY order.

Anyone know a James Hannon ??

Hehe, I got HIS order.

As of today 07-29-24, filled out the form for wrong items sent, contacted them via their contact page, and will CALL them tomorrow.

I counted my orders over the years, and I’ve placed 25 orders from them, and every one has been correct. Shitty lables, but 100% correct.

Let’s see what happens.

Can someone let James know I got his order, and while you have him, ask him if he’s liking the Nature’s Flavors !!!

Shit happens, and 1 out of 25 ain’t bad. Let’s see how it plays out.


Ouch. The problem is they are pretty much impossibke to get in touch with so i think you may be stuck with james flavorings. You will prob have more lick finding james and swapping orders with him