Duomei Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Don’t forget about all the work and time ALL the members of this forum have spent answering my 1 million plus 1 dumb questions. I have learned so freaking much here. You, Super Derek, have saved me a few hundred $'s with your notes on the flavors. I am now limiting what I buy moving forward because I have figured out my main profiles, rather than simply buying and hoarding all the flavors so I don’t experience that “Oh no, I can’t make that recipe due to the missing flavor” woe.


And I have a special affinity for you because I back when I FIRST started vaping (before I even got into DIY’ing and buying individual flavors), I convinced you to try and converted you to the Mango Mafia Man.


Well, you’re very kind @KC111, and thank you. The BEST thing is, there are a LOT of super people here. Lot’s of experience, no attitudes, willing to help.


And it is truly appreciated!


Well indeed you did, AND, I tried it, AND, I picked up a BIG bottle of it afterwards.


You nailed THAT one KC.


I’m glad SD. It is still one of my favorites, but we also talked about Mango Slice, I commented to you how similar it was to Mango Mafia and you were shocked because Mango Slice didn’t have any FE Mango in it. But I am telling you, it really does taste identical.
Check cookies?


I’m blown away how easily you were able to pull out notes from that long ago. Super Derek, how do you do that?


I post too much, and I can’t keep them all straight. Therefore, I search !!!


The worst thing is @KC111, I have done SOO many reviews, it is literally impossible to remember them all. I get lots of questions on numerous reviews, as if I can remember them all, and recall them LOL.

I wish.


Even Super Man was only 1/2 human.


As agreed by @SessionDrummer I will add my opinions on the Duomei concentrates that I bought. As I don’t think he tried Redbull I thought I’d start with that one which I mixed @1% and it’s been steeping for 20 days.


I couldn’t find an awful lot of information about Duomei and basically went with what I read on here, the vendors recommendations and SessionDrummers excellent work as to what percentage to try. I also gave the old nasal passages a bit of a work out which were telling me this one was going to be the Holy Grail of Redbull concentrates that I’ve been searching for. Unfortunately the nasal passages must be as knackered as the rest of me as the aroma didn’t transfer to the actual vape as I had hoped.
In essence it’s certainly a Redbull taste but it’s lacking in any real depth of flavour which is surprising given the smell and the reputation of strength that Duomei have. I honestly don’t think it’s too strong and muting as I detect no chemical taste and it’s enjoyable. I tend to mix concentrates a little stronger than others to taste so there is that and personally I am going to mix this one @1.5 and 2% respectively to see what difference I notice as I think it does have potential. If that doesn’t work I will try 0.5% just to eliminate the muting question but my opinion is that’s only going to lessen my enjoyment of it.
As mentioned above it’s definitely a Redbull taste but personally I find that taste weak. It seems to have the sweetness about right and on the exhale does scratch the Redbull itch leaving an aftertaste like I drank Redbull 10 minutes or so ago,if that makes sense. I can compare it to VTs offering and say I prefer Duomei as what I taste is authentic and I’m sure can be improved upon with some work.
Basically if you like Redbull I believe it’s worth trying this one but of course your opinions may differ to mine and you’ll think 1% is spot on.
Therefore I’m perhaps being a little generous but as I honestly think I’m going to enjoy this one stronger I’m going to give it 7/10 but reserve my thoughts on the possibility of buying it again dependent on future experimentation.


LOVE your write up and honest thoughts @Gazza7. I TOO have been astounded by sometimes how flavors taste on the finger tip, and/or when smelling them in the bottle, only to find out, then when vaping them, either they’re completely different, or (which I believe in your case), something just doesn’t translate. It’s EXACTLY because of these examples, that when people ask me (or tell me) that they’re smelling, or finger testing as their main means of testing/identifying, that I try and tell them, “You MIGHT be surprised” !!!

Nicely done @Gazza7, just no other way to put it. I LOVE hearing other people’s opinion’s, as it helps to drown out what I hear in my own head.


You realize there are medications for this symptom now a days? :rofl: J/K


No worries mate and I’m glad to be able to put my true thoughts out there.
Unfortunately I struggle to translate my thoughts into words but will always be honest. In my opinion there’d be no point in bothering if I just mirrored others or wasn’t completely truthful. That’s what directed me to ELR in the first place whilst I searched for what I perceived as honest reviews before I bought any concentrate.
The little I do is just my way of returning a small amount of what helped/ helps me.


Mixed 0.2% (1d/10ml) Soda Ice Cream (DUO) and will let it steep for 2 weeks. Knuckle test revealed this Soda Drop Ice Cream to taste like a floral, perfume-y tasting plastic vinyl shower curtain. Perfumes gives me migraines, so please don’t ask me what kind of perfume it resembles, lol.


I have been known to say, more than a few times, “Please listen to my voice and not the ones in your head.” It works every time.


I am a very ornery person and I hope I don’t offend anyone with my twisted humor, but we all need more laughs!


Duomei Golden Pineapple is next which I mixed @1% and has been steeping for 20 days.
I actually intended to try Luzon Mango next but due to the fact I didn’t have my glasses on I inadvertently grabbed the wrong bottle!

I’ve tried quite a few pineapples by now with varying results but my favourite to date is Inawera @4%. Similarly to Redbull I personally find this one a little lacking @1% although it has potential. I definitely enjoy it and don’t regret buying it but don’t think it hits the heights of Inawera for me. I believe it could do with some more sweetness and is generally a little underwhelming. Therefore (and again similarly to Redbull) I’m going to mix this one @1.5 and 2% respectively to see if it improves. It’s unmistakably a decent pineapple without that certain off taste I can experience with pineapples ( I call it arse in my notes, but didn’t think that an appropriate way to describe it here!) so it works for me but could be better. I’m thinking it’ll work well in a recipe with some added sweetener but I’d probably try it @.75% even then.
Therefore so summarise if you enjoy Pineapples flavours you’ll probably enjoy this one as it has a more than acceptable taste but if you’ve got shed loads already then I don’t rate it head and shoulders above all others.
I will give it 6.5/10 but will again reserve the possibility of buying it again until I’ve tried different percentages.


Time for the one that I approached with some trepidation due to its extremely strong smell and the distinct possibility I had mixed it way too strong.
Luzon Mango that I mixed @.75% and it’s been steeping for 21 days.

As mentioned the aroma off this one was very off putting to the point where I’d convinced myself I was not going to like it. Probably not too surprising it was strong in concentrate form but even when diluted down ‘that’ smell remained. Conversely to the previous two that same worrying smell did translate to the vape too. But thankfully my concerns were misplaced and I consider it to be a winner.
Truth is it didn’t jump out at me screaming “I’m fantastic you doubtful dickhead!” as it did take me a while to get my head around the flavour. It’s different to say the least. I think it’s a classic example of my sense of smell dictating to my sense of taste and having an argument.

It’s a definite and strong mango but with a lot more going on. I’m afraid I’m nowhere near as good as @SessionDrummer in explaining myself and putting that taste so perfectly to you but I can say it’s a magnificent,unique,juicy and earthy yellow mango with a hint of something else which I think is honeydew.

Now although I read and enjoy his reviews I try to not let his words cloud my personal opinions but I admit I did read his thoughts on this one and can honestly say I know exactly where he’s coming from as he’s explained it perfectly. I try to ignore his reviews until I’m finished and then compare the two to see what we agree and disagree on but with this one I did read it whilst vape testing. Complete transparency for the sake of the exercise. The comment that really struck me was earthy as that’s exactly what I tasted for the first few vapes. It jumped straight into my head… earthy mango.
I think that was the taste I was unsure about but honestly after about .5ml I began to appreciate the uniqueness of it and now believe it’s what sets it apart.

In regards to the percentage it is definitely extremely strong and I wouldn’t push it solo above my testing percentage of 0.75% and in fact I am going to try it @.5% to compare. In saying that once I started to give it a fair chance 0.75% definitely works well for me but I’m sure just the tiniest little bit more would push it into chemical overload and completely ruin what I perceive to be a unique but strong and thoroughly enjoyable mango.
Probably a waste of time saying this but I would most definitely buy this one again and rate it at 9.5/10. I will just deduct 0.5% because it’s aroma can be a little overbearing. If you enjoy a mango vape I would suggest you give this one a go if it’s available to you.