Eclipse Pictures

I was actually excited when i heard about this months ago and was looking forward to it. Didnt find out until a week ago that NJ wasnt getting the 100%. Still, i guess, it was cool. I mean, from what i read, i was expecting night sky with different stars and 4 planets in sight, lol, so i guess a little disappointing.


very cool pic though


Well, if you’d have stopped vaping for a couple of minutes the clouds would have dissipated!


I already posted these but what the heck…I’m proud of them! Also I know it was a bummer with the clouds, but I simply LOVE those anyway @Maureeenie

First one I took (big lump in my throat…so awestruck)

Better zoom this stuff…

Can I get the diamond ring? Well if I knew more about photography I think maybe an exposure setting would have kept the light from bleeding into the center. Meh, I can look at professional ones on the internet. This is the best I could do and witnessing it? Holy smoke!

So a message for the young ones in the US (or anyone anywhere, I just don’t know eclipse future worldwide) - the next total eclipse to traverse the US will be in 2045. If you have the means I highly recommend driving to the path where there is totality. This is a sight that will blow your mind. All the partial stuff is great and all, but when it goes total…wow! Just wow!


I’m not sure if this will work here, but I made a little time lapse :slight_smile: In the chaos of leaving, I forgot my professional camera (out of all the things to forget), so I only had my phone :frowning:

Those are some great pics @SthrnMixer!


Just… wow. Someday, if I live that long I will go to a full one!



Boy howdy :blush:


It looks like one of those crazy spray paint canvasses that get done at farmer’s markets, but better!


No - I actually waited for the clouds… I’ve already got enough retinal damage from shooting sunsets. I set my camera up with a lens cover and used a hat to “aim” the lens.

I only looked through the lens long enough to make sure it was centered in the frame when there was clouds. 250 MM lens magnifies the intensity of the light to a point that is very dangerous. You obviously used a full heavy solar filter. I spent 40 minutes on the porch with that lens covered until I knew I could shoot without hurting my eyes or the sensor.