ELR 5X5 Contest, the Recipes that didn't make the initial cut. Post yours

I dont think honeybee calls for a dilution but comes close


Ahhhh, I remember it now, it was FA Honey that BIT me !!! Completely USER error, but FEAR, is a powerful thing.


@STR8V8PING ix-nay on the alk-tay, or Rocky’ll make #III as “Make a Milk and Honey” contest !!!


These are a no go lol I have 100+ Flavorah, I really had a hard time with this contest.


Very nice looking @Lynda_Marie. That Peach Punch is an interesting idea there …


My third recipe it’s actually really good it was a good challenge. A great maple flavor though.


Caramel, Maple, and Donuts, who says no to that ?? !!!


Surprisingly the caramel really enhanced the maple bar.


Most of these are about 80pct ready …ill finish them bc they all have great potential. Obviously I couldnt submit


I think im sensitive to something in maplebar because i get no maple and just a big offnote from it


So I don’t get it.
Here I was saying “I got an off note and probably won’t submit” and ppl saying to me “oh submit, submit anyway, the random entries can win”

and I clearly wasn’t happy with the recipe because I am a perfectionist (which is why I don’t post much about recipes because to me they’re never perfect).

But because of the encouragement, I entered.

Now you all post recipes that “didn’t make the cut” “they need tweaking” and I feel like a dickhead for submitting something sub-par.

I won’t do that again.


People worked on multiple recipes…These recipea are the ones that arent entered so they wont be judged or eligible for a prize winning. They submitted what they thought was their best. We encourged you because even if you dont make top 3 you can still win one of the 3 random drawings.


Nono, my recipes also suck. But who cares what anyone thinks, sure you can value and respect other opinions but if its good to you thats all that truely matters in the end. People take this shit way too seriously. Mixing is fun and happy. Good vibes only. There is no such thing as perfection. Only personal perception. I’m just happy for this contest. It gets people excited to mix other peoples recipes which is so important for the community. I really wish Wayne still did midweek critique, I discovered so many great recipes from that show. Anyways it’s all love. And yes im fairly stoned lol


I absolutely know that feeling @Sevencasper.


and I didn’t

I submitted because of the encouragement, thinking that others would also be submitting recipes that they also thought were not their best, to have some fun.
This thread clearly shows me that this is not the case, so I have requested that my entry be withdrawn as I would not have even published my recipe nor entered the competition if it were not for the encouragement.

This is not an attack on anyone. I clearly misunderstood what the competition represented.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it @Sevencasper, my problem is I get lots of IDEAS, but can’t always FINISH them, and YES, that means getting rid of off notes, muting, or worse. You don’t see me posting very many recipes for the same reasons you mentioned. NOW, if you want to blow your face off, feel free to mix some of my NRFPT (NOT Ready For Prine Time) above and you’ll see. He’ll I’ll be lucky if the judges don’t hate my profiles LOL.


@Sevencasper I would completely advise against withdrawing. I know for a FACT, that at least mine, isn’t state of the art, nor my best work, but it’s what I had, on the table.


I stand by my decision to withdraw because I would not publish it, so I don’t want it entered.


It has been removed but im gonna tell ya, im grabbing the two flavors im missing and im gonna try it. Is that alright? You used an additive that ive been wanting to try for a long time but never ordered it as i couldnt think of a way to use it. Love the thought you put into it, its something that never occurred to me.


Im sure many people dont think the recipe they submitted was the best they can do , but with what they had to work with and the criteria allowed it was the best they came up with . The contest are for fun and to bring community together . Hopefully we get some really good recipes as well. The criteria /rules etc are in place to make it a challenge and to take people out of their comfort zone. We arent expecting anyones best ,just the best they can do with the obstacles . Hope that makes sense.