ELR Mix a Long (February)

This month made me realize that root beer, for all intents and purposes, is not for me. Although this mix tastes exactly how I imagined it to, it is way too heavy to become an ADV (for me). But if anyone likes cherry-vanilla floats, please give this a mix. I think it’s right on point, as far as the profile goes. But as I’m not a fan of RB, I’m in no way an authority on the subject. What I can say, is that this mix is well balanced, and every note intended comes through. It’s best after at least 3-5 days steeping for the cream to develop, and for the cherry and RBs to mellow.


First time posting and in the middle of a move. I’ve only been able to taste this once since mixing but I wanted to try a submission. Idk if I am using the forum right but I am doing my best. Here is my Feb mix.


you guys are brave, i had a traumatic experience and can’t mix root beer anymore. I don’t want to talk about it


diy-ejuice.com owns real flavors, & they sure do ship to the us. I buy all my real flavors from them. Just make sure you buy the sc versions. The vg versions are very weak, & take a month to steep. The fountain style root beer is AMAZING. It’s what I used in mine.


Welcome to ELR @HungryHippo.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Help with Simple Strawberry recipe needed

All right! I’m going with this one. The root beer really isn’t too too muted, It’s actually kind of perfect. The creams have come through too. It’s nothing thrilling, but it’s pretty tasty actually. It doesn’t have the strong licorice taste that my V3 acquired after steeping. So that makes me happy.


After a bit of tweaking and a lot of twanging I’ve finally come up with my very first Elr Mix a Long Recipe :+1: I very much would have preferred a mango Mix a Long but the wheel didn’t spin in my favour, I definitely blame @Rocky02852 for that :rofl:
I was more than happy making up a Root Beer Float recipe though!!


As the official wheel spinner, I’m definitely the blame for that one @MangoDan :disappointed_relieved:
But thanks for playing along!
And don’t forget you can always go crazy and incorporate Mango in a mix…



Alright, we’ll better get this posted before i forget or something. This has been quite a unique experience. I actually had trouble allowing this to steep longer than 7 to 10 days. The foam sensation on the finish just kept me going back for more. Still think it could use a more clever name but oh well


Not my favorite profile but heres a WIP…

thank you everyone for playing along hope you had fun


Agreed, I bought my first LB flavors based on his Rootbeer Float. And I’ve been impressed with Rocky’s 2 and 3 flavor recipes lately that I feel inspired to work that voodoo myself. Easier said than done.


Just a few more hours to get your Root Beer recipes in for the random giveaway, pretty good turnout so far!
We will announce the winners tomorrow evening here at 8pm EST in this thread as well as start a new thread with the March Mix-Along profile…


I asked grok to make a picture of 100 root beer floats and it gave me a bunch of floating roots lmfao. :skull_and_crossbones::headstone:


I love DIY e-juice especially since they have real flavors and liquid Barn in the same place even though they’re in Canada and they’re a little bit more I’ve been making mostly real flavors and wonder flavor SC but
RF vg cream soda and orange and it’s delicious plus I don’t really enjoy pg personally the cream soda it’s just spot on and so is the orange I wish I saw this thread before and I’ve been using this mix for a month I wish I knew how to use the calculator but I don’t we should know it punctuate better too but that’s never going to happen :slight_smile: yeah
RF cream soda vg
RF orange
Wf Sc whipped cream ( fresh)
wf SC marshmallow (candied)
cap sweet candy
Ricks Sugar Daddy
just wasps of vanilla orangey yummy goodness with a great mouth feel sorry to dump that all on you


Alrighty folks, we have 2 random winners for the February Mix-Along!

Congratulations to @HungryHippo and @IggyZ :tada:

HungryHippo, I will reach out to you soon and arrange getting your prize out to you.
IggyZ, if you don’t hear from Fiddy, shoot him a message to claim your prize :ok_hand:

And thanks out to all who participated in the Mix-Along and all who participate and support ELR on a daily basis, We appreciate you all !


Congrats to the winners!


Congratulations! :tada::tada::tada: ⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠


Congratulations @IggyZ and @HungryHippo :sunglasses: