ELR vape bands or tees, obviously?

Ok…so lemme recap this:
ELR logo with ELR vertically on each side for both bands.
Black with orange text for both bands
Red with black text for both bands
If this is correct, then I will submit this later today. They will then send me a final proof which I will post here before I give the OK.

Did anyone by chance get the color codes for each color involves? Would someone please?
And I believe we decide on optima bold font?


I’ve just posted a call to action for the EU side of ELR to try and get some more orders for this side of the water. I’m just about to ask in some other places, but at the moment I’m the only one in the uk that wants some.
If you could bare with me, just for a bit, and i can spread the word and I’ll get back to you asap. :+1:


You got it Brother I would say go for it I think everyone that has an opinion has been counted


The most mentioned text color for the orange was PMS 172 and I will have a look about the others

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I’ll take 4 bands, 2 G and 2 R

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i received final proofs, but i see 2 changes i would like to vote for…
the exclamation point after BITCH
and the ELR on the left side should be going the other way…
anybody else with me?


Totally agree :+1:


Exactly , I am with you!


i feel pretty solid about this, so i went ahead and submitted it!


I think the only issue with these are the fact that you are using a word that is spelt differently in the US to the rest of the english speaking world.

i understand…but i think the majority of these bands will be dispersed to people in North America. i have to pay for every round metal drum that will be used for creating these bands…thats why i kept it down to 2, one R rated and one G rated. those 2 parameters were the best to appease the majority of the forum.

EDIT: its not that different, is it? its still understood, right?

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Yes… with ya.

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I don’t mind the spelling and yes people still understand it, but for example i label my bottles and then use “Simple Text” option to paste the recipe on the bottle. The amount of people who have told me i have spelt “Flavour” wrong makes me not want to have one of the bands.

I’m not bitching - Just saying how i see it.


I’m with you on the changes brother. No joy on anyone else on the EU side looking for bands, so just me by the looks of things.
A bit disappointed with that , but there you go. :pensive:

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we’ll see what happens. maybe after they are in our hands, on our tanks and pictures are posted, they will start lining up. we shall see…if not, i’ll just double em up on my tanks, lol…


Same here brother. I know I’ll use mine with pride! :ok_hand:


very proud, indeed…even though my schedule has been super hectic and i have very little time, i still make time for the fam!


As do i my friend. Been ill for the last cpl of weeks after root nerve injections in the lower lumber area, which have done more damage than good, and been left in a lot of pain. Thank god for morphine. :yum:

I will gladly double what I ordered if not enough orders are coming in to cover the initial cost.

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I feel for ya Pattie. Hope you feel better real soon!