FA 27 new flavors

Sitting on 82 at the moment but that is declining. As I use up flavours I got to try, I am not replacing them. My fav ADV is a combo of INW Cust, CAP VCV1 and CAP Cake Batter and I have heaps of all those, so eventually I could theoretically get down to only 3 flavours…


I have actually gotten to the point now where I dread new flavour releases because even though I say to myself that I’m NOT going to buy any more I know that I will give into temptation when I see some delicious looking recipes that utilises them or because they are hyped up to the hilt reporting to be latest greatest thing. Also even though I only want just a few new flavours I am compelled to add more to the basket to get the free shipping :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I just checked my stash and I had the shock of my life, I have reached the dizzy heights of 1004 flavours.:scream:


Sounds like you need to cull a few to have a more focused palette. I am perpetually trying to get mine under two hundred.


I’m exactly the same although without taking stock I doubt I’m at 1000 Flavours but at a guess I’d say 800? I’m almost scared to count!
I do take some solace in the fact that Australians are about to get reamed so at least I can continue mixing and experimenting hopefully until a modicum of common sense prevails in this country.


I hear you. Been tempted to get some of the Flavrz concentrates but it’s a no go.
Just working on getting the VTA’s I want and then that’s it.
I’ve got too many flavors now.


Wow, there is not enough time in life for me to have that many flavours. I am overwhelmed with just 82 flavours and will probably not use half of them.


Congrats on the 1,004 @Lucas_James_Holden.
