Facebook, Good or Evil?

Hold yours too girl :racehorse: , I meant that it was a reaction to something you posted.
I will choose my words more carefully in future :woman_facepalming:

As for what @Mikser is stating about it being a political decision, they didn’t lift a finger when FB acquired WhatsApp and Instagram, they haven’t stopped Amazon taking over Whole Foods etc.

They know that monopolies were being created and haven’t done a damn thing about it.

They need these bastards to keep the population under controle.

They have broken up big business in the past, because they turned out unhealthy for society as a whole and now they are just letting it happen again.


Yeah, I always wondered about that and why? What’s different this time around? I guess we’re seeing some of the answers now. This pile of turd is bad enough and then there’s this (getting back to @SessionDrummer first remark about AI).

Saudi Arabia grants robot citizenship – DW – 10/28/2017.
Sophia, a life-like humanoid robot, is pictured at the UN headquarters in New York, Oct. 11, 2017
This chick scares the crap out of me :open_mouth: (I say “chick” because I consider you my sistah) :wink:


Then after they get this bot thing down they’re planning to do this. It’s a long read but maybe worth it when you have the time. Another creepy episode in the world of the elites.


Yeah, it’s sci-fi in it’s worst form :face_vomiting:


It will even be more scary when they manage to make them look so human they cannot be distinguished anymore from real people.

Remember Blade Runner? Something like that.
I’m so glad I’m getting old, the biggest part of my life is behind me :sweat_smile:


And they’ve already succeeded in uploading a roundworm’s 302 neurons to a Lego robot body. And the damn thing moves in response to the real roundworm’s actions.


I think the same thing but because I believe in reincarnation I need a plan :rofl:


Who says you’re coming back here? I believe in a Multiverse.
And even if you do come back here, time is only linear in our perception.
You might end up in a time were the world was pristine and beautiful and ride around on a wild horse :laughing:


There ya go! That’s what I was thinking. I wonder if I’ll get a Multiverse tour? But I also like the pristine earth riding on a wild horse. I’m feeling it.


As scary as this is, it seems to me that it is inevitable. Sci-fi becomes reality. It just turns out looking a bit different than imagined, just like our hopes and dreams of our own personal futures.

How do you prevent the scenarios described in this thread? The only thing I can think of is limiting wealth and power. Doing that is dictation and censorship. Both bad scenarios. How do we achieve a compromise? Nothing is going to make us collectively happy or content. The future really is bleak. The future is now for our predecessors. The cycle of life always includes death. Life cycle exists not only for biological entities. There is a life cycle for everything we create and participate in. If it’s a system it has a life and a death. Society as we know it will die, it’s happened to all of them before our current definition of society. The best way to deal with it is grace, dignity, and comfort which I believe includes peace :peace_symbol:, respect, acceptance, and sharing our knowledge and resources. I will do my best to embrace that during my short time in the system.


Word is, you’re coming back as a plant. :tada:
Complete and total freedom!!

You’re likely to be mown over for the next “concrete incursion”. :rofl:


And THERE it is. Agreed…


I’ll quote myself. Allowing corporate Mega-mergers is not sharing resources. Greed is one of those deadly sins you’ve heard about.


Oh dear, Jim. You got so serious there for a moment.

Mine is simply smashing! :crazy_face:



Na…It’s all good


Just saw this and it makes me glad I am not on Facebook. Looks like a bot has been running, collecting Facebook account phone numbers…and they are for sale for $20 a pop. Really sad because people gave their phone numbers to Facebook for two factor authentication for extra security. Apparently they got 533 million account phone numbers. Truly sad.

Here is a link to one of the articles, but there are others reporting the same thing:


Have you guys watched the show Black Mirror on Netflix? it’s like a really twisted, extra messed up, modernly applicable Twilight Zone. before streaming took over the world & when most of us had cable (or VHS then DVDs) as our main source of entertainment, the Twilight Zone would marathon on holidays. my dad & I watched every episode multiple times over the years. the episode where the guy survives the apocalypse in a library, only to break his glasses omfg! there are so many good ones!

When I heard about Black Mirror almost a decade ago being touted as a “Twilight Zone for the modern tech age”, I just knew I had to binge watch. I was NOT disappointed AT ALL. Black Mirror is actually what started the catalyst to me getting off most forms of social media (along with some insane stalkers/ nasty trolls, but that’s a story for another day lol). a few of the episodes focus specifically on social media & it’s effects on people. Each episode, like Twilight Zone, are all independent stories & can be watched in any order you like. Season 3, episode 1 called NoseDive, is a perfect one to watch in relation to this convo!

I do want to add a disclaimer, as certain episodes of Black Mirror can be disturbing/ contain mature, adult themes. In my personal experience, they do a great job of presenting the stories without being crass for crass reasons or over the top just to be over the top. not one to watch with the kiddos, but I highly, HIGHLY recommend it!


I have to respectfully disagree with you on this point my dear.

We are now all being dictated and censored by a very small group of wealthy people with psychopathic tendencies.
I have no problem if society as a whole keeps those bastards on a tight leash.

It’s self protection, like you do with a dangerous dog.
Seems an excellent compromise to me.

Or as a saying goes, a monarch should always have a noose around his neck, it keeps him upright. :+1: