Faced with "fog" problem

Then, when he was a smoker, he simply went outside and smoked the smelly stuff for a few minutes outside, he respected the family (non-smoker), and there was no smoke and bad smells at home. In winter with the cold and rain it was very annoying, but it was a matter of minutes of “sacrifice” … Since I started to vap the thing got boring … Not being a smoke or a bad smell, I started to vaporize in the room, but now it seems I live in London, lol.
I usually air the house, but with the cold, it is impossible to always be with the windows open, bref. I started looking for a solution to remove all that cloud that is installed in my room, and I bought a dehumidifier, but this one did not work, I turned to the side of the purifiers, then, after research and some feedback in the net, I bought an Avatar Vapenut with some skepticism, but that supposedly would serve the solution to my problem … But frankly, this Vapenut is not very effective, and the only solution I have so far is to open the window, which makes it unpleasant when you expend energy in heating the house. For those who live in a cold place and like to vaporize until you see the bottom of the tank, you should understand what I’m talking about … kkkk.
anyone here faced with the same problem?


I live in a small mobile home and it gets foggy very fast, especially when my husband and I are both vaping. It gets bad enough with just one of us, we both drip into RDAs and it is so foggy. Being in Florida, USA it is a contant battle of the temperature. It is rarely a comfortable temperature to open the windows.
We require the air conditioning going for most of the year and then there are the few days that it gets below 45 degrees farenheit and it is just to uncomfortable to have the window open.

Don’t even get me started about the residue that gets on surfaces…

It can be messy in a small space, but I still feel so much better than I was when I smoked cigarettes.

I really love vaping but there is definitely housework that goes with it. Lol!

I am sorry I don’t have a solution for these issues.

Was actually thinking of having some sort of fans installed where we often vape that blow out, like ones in kitchens that suck out the steam, but that would be noisy and aggravating when trying to listen to television.

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Well it isn’t elegant but, you can get a board of foam insulation, cut a strip to whatever size to put between the sill and the bottom of the window, then get some wide tubing and run it through a hole in the board. Run the tube to the couch or whatever-- where you like to vape and exhale into the tube. It will run it right to the outside. Not the way I want to vape, but it 100% will run the cloud outside and not cause a huge heating or cooling loss.


Interesting story… chuckles

But to answer your question, an air purifier is what is most likely to solve your problem.

If you search here (ELR) you’ll find that the subject has been discussed before, and there are even specific brands, models, and even calculation references linked (for room size).

I use Hunter and Honeywell personally, and have had outstanding results.


I apologize for having started a topic of an already debated topic …
I will try to find the topic in question. Regarding the mentioned brands, I had to do a google search, possibly more commercialized in the American continent, or pure ignorance of mine. :blush:
But thanks for the tips;) :+1: :wink:


I had this shipped from the states about 8 years ago, you can remotely change the direction of the fans, both in, both out or one of each (exchange) I have a vape nut but thats only ever useful as a desktop fan and blown directly into it…this fan however rules, sucks it straight out of the window…and yes…ive gaffa taped the shit out of it onto my roller blind :grin: …I never said it was pretty :confused:


No need to apologize! lol
And I hope I didn’t come off as being short, or “do a search you lazy…”, as that wasn’t my intent either! :wink:

I was just trying to answer your question, and let you know that there’s a lot of additional (and more in depth) info available here should you be inclined to read more about it!

Here’s the main thread I was thinking of:


Do not stress mate, we are all here to enjoy a good time and sharing … :wink:
Sorry my English, if anything was misunderstood! :blush:


my whole house it the bathroom/toilet room, a really small kitchen, a really tiny hall and my room :stuck_out_tongue: after a few hits i couldn’t say that “london” is installed in my whole home just for one reason… you wouldn’t even be able to see if it’s london or not… lol
to be honest is that i don’t care for it, for vapenut i had read somewhere that it’s effective as long you have it next to you and you blow your clouds that way… it’s doesn’t suit really for whole rooms etc… though after that i can’t think of any economic solution for it… though i am glad that i stopped smoking, hell yeah :frowning: i was smoking inside home… well tbh honest i was smoking EVERYWHERE and ANYTIME i needed a cig… since i don’t have that @(#$)@(#$()@#$@#$ smell of stinkies EVERYWHERE anymore i just feel great sir :slight_smile: the fog isn’t troubling me so much


The fog also does not bother me, my wife is who bugs me when she says that the room is foggy and that she does not see me well … lol
About the vapenut, is what I have done, I have beside me and haul the “smoke” inside.


We have ceiling fans in every room and high ceilings so it’s not an issue for us, but the ceiling fans make a huge difference.


When I’m needing a massive chain vape session I just go into the kitchen and switch on the exhaust fan over the stove and blow towards it. Problem solved.


Yep ceiling fans definitely help! The only one we have in the house is in the master suit, so that’s another chain vape location for me for sure.

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When I wired the house I made sure to put fan boxes in every room!


I’m addicted to ceiling fans!


… every case is a case … I can not see the stove in the living room, nor the TV in the kitchen :smile:

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Thats where i am right now! Well, not your kitchen, obvsly, mine, heh. And honestly im there often when not at work.


I love those fans! Ive made sure to keep at least one in my apartment for probably 10 years now. Not digital but still its great. Useful for the average indoor pot puffers as well.


Never really fog out the house, guess it’s because I’m 50/50 . Even asked my wife …thou in my truck it’s kind of funny going in the store to pay for gas and coming out and wondering is my truck smoking or is that vape…

Edit: mainly I vape in my huge kitchen. If we cut it in half I Could probably put both halves of @Bugalien trailer in my kitchen


Lmao I’ve had so many people come up to me while I’m getting out to tell me my car is smoking… :laughing: