Fellow mixer could use our help

I just now sent him an email. Hopefully, I’ll receive a response. :blue_heart: :pray:


Done n bump


Well guys, Good and bad news. I heard back from Aparhy. Thank god. He wanted me to let you guys know that he is ok as he cant get around to messaging everyone back just yet. He just got home from a long stay in the hospital.

The bad news, hes been doing pretty rough dealing with more hurdles.while getting his lungs operated on he had a pretty bad stroke paralizing his left side.The drs however are hopeful he will regain function though slowly.

Man i feel so bad for him ,hes been really going through it. I cant imagine. Lets send him some prayers on making a full recovery.


Thanks for the update, @STR8V8PING.

And if you folks can please consider a donation, i know money is tight for everyone right now but every dollar helps. I used his Paypal instead of gofundme as i dont know how that place works but i know they take a bit and PP doesnt. Muth has his PP addy as do i so feel free to shoot me a message for it.

Keeping you in our thoughts, @Apathy.


Thanks for the update @STR8V8PING, the bad news is distressing, but the good news that he’s ok is encouraging. Was definitely getting worried here…


Just an FYI, PP does charge a fee now even with friends and family but the good news is they charge you and not the recipient. Guess i just didnt notice the last time i sent a donation, so sorry for the incorrect info in the post above.


Id like to ask the Youtubers out there if they would be able to give him a mention on their shows, lots of people out there that dont use these forums. If you can please do.

Thank you everyone.


Geez, even for small IOUs? When did that change take effect? That stinks.


Oh man, that’s just awful news. He’s going to need encouragement to keep fighting. Is there anything else we can do? I’m happy to send an actual card if it’s okay to have his address. Cards can lift a person up. So can laughter. Any ideas?


We can send emails, I did that. Probably a few decent e-card sites out there as well. :sparkling_heart: