First time post!

Think of it like cooking, all the ingredients you have in your cupboards for that and how much space THAT takes up :slight_smile:

Plus, it’s not just 30 bottles of flavoring for ONE liquid, it’s 30 bottles for a rainbow of different mixes and dozens of actual juices.

Plus, once you’ve figured out such juices you want to make you van reduce the number of flavours you have to just what you need.


Lol, only 30 bottles… that would be a start! :crazy_face:


So much for anonymity :smirk:

Why don’t you just go right ahead and tell everyone I’m really Batman while you’re at it!


Because your not?


I’m not stopping them being trans, or even trying to: but just as everyone has a fitbit to be as messed-up as they like, we heave the right to find that weird or creepy, or even disapprove.

Works both ways you know :smirk:

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hahahahah, lol, but I thought you were batman!!


That’s right :wink:

I’m not :smirk:

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back to transgender. Something that always makes me feel so sad, Dr’s have to make a guess when a lot of babies are born as to what gender they “should be” so… that makes sense why there is such a need for people to change. Plus who on earth would go to great lengths like that if it wasn’t so much of sheer dire need.
Ok I’m done:)


Here is what I don’t understand. The amount of people willing to believe in outlandish conspiracy theories. Now that is creepy!


Yeah I don’t relish talking about transgender: it only came up because of that other thread.

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I just think overall that’s its it’s a very sad person who is SO unhappy with how they were born they feel the need to change everything from hair to hormones to genitalia - usually with results that’re anything but convincing or natural.

It’s a HUGE pity they cannot just be counseled into being happy with a dick, or whatever, because there’s so many other things to stress about, they’ll find something no worries.

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I don’t believe anything anyone ever tells me.

About anything.



Now go mix some damn juice.

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Or just stay and amuse us… :smirk:

That’ll do too.

But start playing with your cart in preparation to order more flavours while you’re sitting there: think about complementary flavours for what you’ve already got and recipes for real desserts that might make good mixes.

Then check that any new flavours aren’t going to be terrible with desserts generally and what you wanna make.

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Oh and this custard is no more ‘instant’ than yours, so you know: I’ve still gotta sit them in a cupboard for what seems like forever and the oldest custard I have with this still that’s mixed is two weeks old now and only started getting it’s rich custard exhale after a full 7-8 days of steeping.

Before that, it just tasted like nothing but shit.

I’ve never even tried Capella VC (1 or 2), just read about it but from everything I’ve heard plus the repeat declarations it’s the primary in Killar Custard and knowing what KC tastes like, I have surmised that this Warm Custard is very similar to Capella’s and Killer Custard: same taste on the exhale, same creamy but not overly strong but rich flavour as the other good custards I’ve tried.

@Ianc13 mentioned INW Custard taking less time to steep, so maybe toss that in your cart and try it WITH the capella: smell it good first to check it doesn’t smell terrible or terribly different to Capellas, but if it’s much the same throw em both in the mix and cover more custard notes in one mix.

If it steeps faster too, whatever mix you have it in will at least start developing a flavour before the other flavours do, and by the time the others join the party you’ll…

Yeah you’ve gotta DO it. No point me talking about something that’s not gunna happen.

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See there’s almost nothing here I can shake & vape… maybe the fruits… the raw sugar will have some taste fresh, the date probably but that’s mostly because I just got it in my head that Date with Macadamia with Butter would make a good flavour.

Butterscotch, that’s probably a full week or two steep.

Cheesecake I’m SURE is, along with the others…


Really, until you’ve actually mixed a decent number of mixes too, you’re saying 30 bottles for one mix is a lot but you’re not actually mixing anything, so of course it’s going to seem like you’re accumulating flavours for nothing, if you’re doing nothing with those flavours.

Just please go and create something oh Lovely but frustratingly slow one: grab half a dozen empty bottles, get your flavours out and add 10% of any flavour you like to each bottle with VG, then shake and chuck in the cupboard NOW to start.

THEN, take all the time you like picking individual recipes and being OCD about mixing: once you’ve already GOT some flavours steeping.


It’s almost as if you don’t want to mix.

Almost like you spent a while reading posts from the shadows, lurking about, before deciding to join-up and stalk me more actively - which is fine, it’s very sweet.

But I would like to get the ball rolling on DIY juice you want to vape, so I would rather you get the basics out the way ASAP and you can stalk me all you like while doing that :slight_smile:

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Reckon I should add some Butter Base and Butterscotch to last night’s 100mL bulk Custard steep?

Cheesecake too, though I’ve alredy pretty much locked-in that I’ll be adding some of that… maybe 3% since the custard’s at twelve…


I know I should get to know the new flavours for a few days at least in milk etcetera, before risking a 100mL mix, but they’re all good with custards and they all smell great… it’s just their individual strength of flavour I can’t determine immediately.

Edit: I put around 9 drops of the Glazed Strawberry in about 5mL of that citric-acid salt too, which has carried other flavours very well - and while I can only taste the feintest hint of strawberry even with that much freshly added, it does taste like strawberry.

Edit: The blueberry is instantly tastable with only half the amount and tastes identical to me to the blueberry in Jam Monster, but without all that nasty artificial sweetener and terrible toast flavouring.

You realize too that all these flavours can also be used in actual food: chocolates, cakes, puddings, desserts…

Some of them would be outstanding actually, adding a very good flavour to any dessert without required the real thing in stock: strawberry custard comes immediately to mind since that’s what I’ve just mentioned, but the biscuit bases can be added to cakes to layer them more, custard in cake would probably be excellent too, adding a rich/smoothness that doesn’t require adding more milk or cream and ruining the recipe.