First time post!

And to ease you’re stressing again

Rather than think about all you have to DO before you’ve found mixes you love, focus on the thought that you have already got all the supplies you need to be able to mix anytime you want: you’ve got enough for years worth of mixing and regardless whether you’re actually start now or not, it’s all right there in your possession waiting for you to start.

You’ll also find other mixes and flavours you like too: just because you’re all in love with custards only at the moment won’t stop you discovering you really quite like Yellow Cake with Sweet Cream and Fresh Vanilla, or any weird combo like the Macadamia/Butter/Date I’ve grabbed just because it seemed like a good mix.

As you play with the cupboard full of flavours you’ve got you’ll find single flavours that aren’t custard but grab you as good anyway, then you’ll end up adding something else that’s grabbed your attention to that etcetera,…

So right now, you don’t need to be stressed by mixing at all: you’ve got everything you need - you have sorted it already, and they’re not going anywhere until you’re ready to start using them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Anyhoo: mixing for me.

Rather than gamble the full 100mL of last nights custard mix I’ll tip 2 x 20mL out and use that for testing the new flavours with a Butterscotch Custard and a Standard Custard, but with Cheesecake, Butter Base and Raw Sugar added.

That aspect of it even manages to annoy me: so many goddamn bottles, each with varying amounts of liquid just sitting there and every new mix adds another bottle (or two or three) with another 20mL or 30mL and I won’t even know how good or bad they are until they’re several weeks old :roll_eyes:

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Sorry I even tried that Blueberry, now it’s in my coils and not leaving…

Think 17% total is too much?

I can easily reduce it… I will, actually: 12% should be enough once it’s been in the cupboard the hundred million years it’ll be in there :roll_eyes:

Look the flavours up on the recipe side, read the notes and see what others have mixed at. You are probably too high on a couple of flavours I reckon.


Here’s that macadamia/date/butter/honey I’ve just mixed up…

I’ve also finally just changed the spreadsheet Vegetable Glycerine formula to account for the different in weight.

It’s about time and I noticed the three mixes I just did were a bit on the runny side, remembering a few weeks ago I discovered that while PG weighs around 1 gram for every 1mL, VG weights approximately 1.26 grams for every 1 mL which means I’m adding 26% less VG than I should to my mixes.

I was thinking of buying some measuring cups etcetera tomorrow, but then realized it’s easier to simple change the equation to take the extra VG into account: no need for alternate measuring or cups or any that shit now…

All fixed, with both the two screnshots above updated to reflect the additional VG.


Every flavor? I’m still thinking a lot about what I might order to replicate Lamington cake. I’m stuck on it but it seems like it could be a really nice palate cleanser if anything and a good break from custards. It’s not a super sweet desert so might be perfect as a vape. To layer up those subtle flavors, that will be really tricky. Especially for a newb.

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Morning Sunshine! :sun_with_face:

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Yes :slight_smile:

It’ll be tricky, but if you can’t nail an actual Lamington so quickly you will still be able to use the flavours to make something else using them :slight_smile:

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You DO have… the cake, the jam filling (and cream), the chocolate syrup coating, the coconut,… actually that’s all huh?

Still, it’s a particular chocolate, and a particular cake and the jam can pretty much be anything…

It doesn’t SEEM too hard - thinking about the real food: 4 flavours really.

5 with cream, though I know most Lamingtons don’t have cream with the jam, they all should.

The cake seems like yellow cake to me might be right… the chocolate can’t be real chocolate - has to be like yeah choc syrup kind’ve. Touch of coconut.

Night anyway :confounded:

The chocolate will be most difficult to get right: whatever chocolate you order, if it’s not got sugar you’ll need to order some TFA Brown Sugar too or use Cotton candy.

If it IS already sweetened, yeah there’s a LOT of chocolate flavours and from everything I’ve read, finding an authentic one is the hard part.

Maybe you’ll need a few choc’s to reinforce the chocolate itself.

Wish I’d happened to order the flavours you have so I could try them and agree/not about which ones to use, but you can do that: …you know what Lamingtons taste like :slight_smile:

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hmmm, I’ve only had Lamington cake on two separate occasions. It seemed to only have very sparse taste of chocolate. Very faint. So maybe the chocolate notes won’t be as difficult. So far, yellow cake, with faint hint of coconut.

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And cream :slight_smile:

I still don’t remember exactly which flavours you’ve got: I know just by repetition that you’ve got Cap custard and yellow cake plus vanilla cupcake I think and that’s it…

You might want marshmallow just to add a little because it adds fluffiness to mixes.

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I need labels for the bottles too. I keep forgetting about this. I wish I could just mark with a sharpie, hmmm… maybe I will and put tape over my marks!


i use masking tape and a pen.


White plumbers tape from the hardware store has zero adhesive so you can just wrap it around the bottle then peel it off clean.

It’s matte so you can use a sharpie on it and it will stick just because it’s so flexible and rubbery.

The thin filmy stuff used to wrap around pipe joints to seal them.

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It’s like thin balloon rubber… which would also probably work: small balloons cut into little tubes/rings would snap around the bottle like an elastic band.

Just cut 'em like calamari rings and get lighter colours - or dark if you’re using a white permanent marker :wink:

Writing im then would be the only foreseeable tricky bit, but snapping then around anything smooth should be fine.

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Labels: How about writing on the bottle with black marker and covering up with scotch tape? I just tried it, seems ok. You know my little ole 1 bottle of 30ml mix:)

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Awwww goodness :blush:

Scotch tape is fine if it’s working :smirk:

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Precisely what I believe :slight_smile:

And mix when you wanna mix: you’ll get around to it sooner or later: I shall not harass you about it anymore :seedling::herb::rose:

No point forcing it :smirk:

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Night again for now :crescent_moon:

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Update: I just received very good intel that nic will degrade after 1.5 to 2 year mark. So… with that news, I’m not going to bother ordering more.

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