Fix My Mix - Bring your trouble recipes here!

Thx for tagging him for me :smiley:


I wouldn’t say personally that it gets stronger but it’s inherently a sticky deep spice. I think the percention of fading is more that it can destroy a flavor.

I really like it mixed with blueberry and at 1.25%. But I prefer it well steeped to blend with dark blueberry. Mix with strawberry following the same path destroys strawberry.

As coconut. I’m not sure if it would help coconut…maybe. I’m no experet but would it it squashing the sweet flavor of coconut.

What’s odd is that I just mixed up a recipie just yesterday with lemon based on flavor pairing. Now I wished I had used less, but I like Cardamon fa.

All that said. Give it 4-6 weeks and you’ll know for sure. If you tested before that you won’t know. At 0.25 I would think you would be fine if you wanted a cardomon note. If you didn’t want that note you may be screwed. Lol. Spice flavors will always be present.


That’s exactly what HIC said it would do, sweeten the coconut. Honestly, I can see where it would do that but I think I just used too much for my personal taste buds. It sounds like a tricky spice flavor and my eyes popped when I saw you used 1.25%.

I have enough to keep testing it. It’s at 4 weeks and still powerful. It might just do like you said, destroy everything around it. We’ll see and I thank you for the insight on spices in general. I’m secretly hoping it will become something I can use in the future. Very exotic.


You should try my Blue’y card recpie. You would think it would work but it does.

And yes, spice are fun. Black pepper fa at 1-2 drops is all you will need and is fun to add to a melon or strawberry mix.


Thx, I have it bookmarked.


A few posts up I asked advice about toning down a commercial juice called Drunk Monkey, a Banana/Rum flavor. The juice is made by a reputable company but was just too strong for me. I tried some suggestions and added Vienna Cream (FA) 0.5% and 3mls of VG, bumping it up from 70% VG to 75%VG. Thx for the help, I’ll let you know the results when ready.


Just checked this at 14 days and I’d up the Peach to 1.75-2%. The real trick would be to get some White Peach MF and add it around 0.5%


So I tried adding cardamom to a lemon tart mix. Interesting to say the least. Doesn’t really have a Cardamon note, but it filled the lemon in a bit.

I still need to play around a bit but I did use it at 1% by mistake and was still good.

How did your venture turn out?


OMG I havent used this in so long… I need to pull it out again


Could use some help with this monster. Got everything except the apple the way I want it. It is good but the apple is very faint. Any suggestions?


I haven’t used any of those flavors, but still may be able to help a bit.

How long has this steeped? Could just need time.

Have you considered upgrading your Apple flavors?
These two are great at much lower % than the Cap
MF is full-flavored 1-1.25%
RFSC at 1.5-2%

Both are fantastic on their own, imho, and mixed together can stand up against heavier Creams and Custards very well.

I read in the notes that someone said FLV Apple Filling is mostly Cinnamon, too, so that may not be giving the Apple you’d hope for.

Hope someone else can help tweak it with actual knowledge of your flavors!


If you want cooked apple flavor, may I suggest trying country apple from purilum at 3-4%? IMHO, it doesn’t need any other apple, unless you want some fresh apple taste with it. Adding some fuji apple from FA at 0.5-1% would be good at that.


It’s in there already :slight_smile: would you increase from 2%?


Too focused on the apple filling, didn’t see that there … My apologies. Nope, with all the other apple I wont use more than that.


My wife makes a killer Apple Pie every Thanksgiving, but leaves some life in the Apples. A little fresh Apple taste with the cooked Apple and Brown Sugar hits the spot! (just a side note)


And still have some crunch when you bit into them? That’s a good apple pie right there.


Definitely! Not too crisp, but enough to keep some fresh flavor and add that little bit of crunch to keep it from being all mush like from the can.


If this wasn’t based on fresh before cooking the filling, i would have added the RFSC Apple for a sweeter Apple, and a little RFSC Bread Pudding to help cook it a little. Dang, I need to try that!


Too bad you’re allergic to pg, man. Country apple tasted like generic, plain, unspiced cooked apple to me. You could add anything to it.
Oh, wait, just read the description. This is the uncooked version? Should’ve finished reading first…


It’s my wife, but i vowed (to myself) to only buy PG-free flavors so she can have anything i can create. I actually add 15% PG to mine. It’s limiting, but keeps me thinking outside the box and experimenting.

Before i started mixing, a b&m vape shop owner told me I’d never be able to get “good flavor” going PG-free! Nonsense, I tell ya!

He later folded and sold his shop to a much more knowledgeable younger fellow.

Sorry for the derail! Back to the topic! Haha!