When you guys have verified that it works, I’ll put a link on people’s public stash page - not sure yet, how to design the interface so that you can add more users. Possibly an autocomplete drop down based on the users you follow… Not sure…
Oh I do know but just never placed a order there. I don’t know why, most of the times when I need flavors my first store is always bcf , followed by ecx and then NR (if I need nicotine). Just added VT to the list of vendors (trying out some german flavors and their nic). But you’re right, I should add DIY Vapor Supply to the list and start there next time, before placing other orders lol.
Great I do like FLV and INW, especially the low percentage, even so I probably use them higher then I should at times, but don’t matter Love true to profile/bottle label flavors. Thanks for the tip.
Awesome, thanks for working on it that fast. Much appreciated and it will help a lot.
This is a perfect example of why this idea came to me. Most of you have numerous common ingredients with each other, but I would have to spend hours and hours combing through stashes to find someone with enough in common to share a recipe with.
If we start having Stash in Common contests or challenges, I’ll likely have to recuse myself because I would decimate the common stash list of multiple mixers. Thats totally ok! I’m used to not participating, not being able to mix others’ mixes, not having any mixers try my mixes, etc.
I’m glad this turned out to be executable and (hopefully) beneficial to the whole community!
It’s now live. For now there is a link on a user’s public stash and on the profile page. I haven’t made an interface for comparing stashes with multiple people yet…
You get that alert if you try to compare your own flavor stash to yourself. Or maybe they just made their stash private a few seconds before you clicked compare.
great idea @Plunderdrum !
I have 55 flavours in common with you, now!
and one whole flavour in in common with Lars -Banana (MF)
Thanks for that really prompt bit of coding @daath . You’re a star!