Flavour Notes

I have found that my taste change constantly so my opinion yesterday may not mean shit today. I’ve pretty much given up on note keeping.


allow me to bump a recent topic and a way to view all the data …a Flavor Wheel comparable to a Color Wheel. I mean you have opposing colors and complimentary colors and combining colors (flavors!) etc. The best graphical example I could find online is fashion related but the concept becomes more visual (link inside this post) See the black angled lines overlaying he colors?


The real problems have already been laid out, mostly the man-hours required to even get the basic wheel (Fruits, Creams, Sours, Sweets, Spice, Tobaccos etc) All this would need intensive peer review since it’s all opinion/subjective, and no manufacturers are going to assist …example what flavor compounds combine to make Forest Fruit (FA)?

Still I am also captured by the dream… to deliver something like this?.. mind blowing …and overly ambitious. It has happened in a way here already (ELR) just by drips and drabs in Notes, but takes many hours of research to capture some meaning which can then only be filtered through One’s own brain-tasting.


Now that would be amazing, cant access the link unfortunately

Try this


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your words nailed whats in my head , i think this is something we would love to see

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I’m afraid if we did this that SkyNet may become self-aware :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


…nothing to it theoretically
get a list of every flavor
determine it’s place on the wheel
validation would be if it aligns per the Complimentary/Opposing/Primary/Secondary/Custom vectors (black line overlay in the example)
validates via Flavor Bible (BB & Cinnamon?)
Agreement from everyone (LoL!)


Think you could have one ready for Wednesday :wink: Great idea, would anybody learn anything though it would help them make informed decisions but they wouldn’t know why.

There again plenty of people just want to mix a recipe and getting nice juice at a low cost is reward enough.