FLAVRZ Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- TESTING NOW!

looking for a Paan flavor something similar in profile to Big Paan, any chance you have anything similar?


Have I missed your reviews of the one shots? Or do you have too many SF :laughing:

On Chocolate Milk this morning again it has a familiarity to it. Another good one, put it this was itā€™s in my main tank after testing last night.
It wonā€™t help you but the chocolate flavour reminds me of these. Chocolate and Coconut goodness


And now Iā€™m distracted and will try for a version later on.

Also tried Splice as well right flavour, but I donā€™t do cooling so Iā€™m not sure about that part.


And now you have me pondering chocolate and coconut recipes. Sadly, when I grew up Bounty Bars and other coconut abominations was all we had.


@marsh8 Iā€™l do them after the flavors.


@marsh8 Iā€™m nearing the end of the SECOND massive batch of flavors, and will be pre-mixing up the ā€œFlavor Shotsā€ in prep, and Iā€™m going to do them, BEFORE the OTHER massive box of flavors Darren sent me.


I hear you on the cooling. Now I DID break down, and try it in the Mango recipe, and it wasnā€™t terrible, BUT, it reminded me that me and cooling, donā€™t get along.


Same in this one shot, it fits in very well in the mix. I ended up putting it in an old Geekvape Boost that I found coils for the other day. Onto the third tank now, the pineapple coming through I like, again accurate to the real thing.


The Chocolate milk is based on an OG Greek Milk Bar, chocolate milkshake you would get ice cold, in the metal containers that they use to put on those outdoor motor prop machines lol.

They were always rich in chocolate but that that milkiness of premium ice cream in there as well.

We found that even SO CALLED ā€œCHOC MILKā€ e liquid tasted like garbage to put it nicelyā€¦ even the brand you will know in Australia that has this a milk & cereal, Blue Raspberry. You should give the Noosa Blue and Cereal & Milk a go. The Cereal & Milk is different to the Milk & Cereal as in the first is more fruit loops flavours and the second is a hint of caramel and more rice bubbles.

Correct, I was not a fan, though you will find the Bounty Bar Recipe has a touch of chocolate in it. You could even turn the Chocolate Milk FS (Flavour Shot) into one by adding in Coconut (Flavrz) and Dairy Milk along with Marshmallow and/or Marshmallow Custard.

Our Flavour Shots and One Shot are designed to be used as you would a single flavour concentrate as well. But they are a RTV commercial recipe as a stand alone.

It does have a touch of cooling agent in it to replicate the ice cream, so may be a DING DONG for @SessionDrummer

We have in production our Paan flavour it will be off in a week or so.

Why not, everyone has a different taste and opinion, no one opinion is gospel so to seek.


The shop I went to as a kid was more pov than that 10c for a shot of chocolate topping in a plain 600ml. :wink:

I couldnā€™t find them, kept coming up a resort.


Not added to Flavrz site at the moment, though will be available in a Flavour Shot this week plus some others that are currently being added.


Yes, I noticed that a Bounty had chocolate around it more decades than I care to remember ago.

That is an intriguing way of approaching it. As one who relies mostly on a wall of FLV - Iā€™ll start there but keep your suggestions in mind.

When you class a One Shot as RTV (I assume that is Ready To Vape): how does that ring true when it comes to blending? Particularly as just adding nicotine alone requires a 12-48 hour steep and you are also recommending custards into the mix.


I canā€™t wait to see what new flavors you got!


Virginia Tobacco (Premium) (FLAVRZ) 6% (5-31-23) ā€“ As mentioned previously, I am NOT a tobacco-head, and donā€™t travel in the NET circles, so if you want a REAL in depth tobacco break down, Iā€™m not the guy, hehe. BUT, letā€™s talk about this ANY way. To my tastes, AND, as a non-tobacco flavor kind of guy, this was a good one. It presented as a brighter tobacco, POSSIBLY flue cured, and with some really good earthy tones that kept it grounded. It was a brighter tobacco throughout, with just a pinch of the lower/earthy notes on the finish for clarification. It had an almost ā€œleafyā€ quality to it, and seemed mostly absent of most of the darker tones, and/or burnt aspects. It was sweetened, but I would NOT call it sweet, and it was a bit lower than mid-level sweet. Throughout the entire 3 testers, I did get an almost ā€œgreenā€ note, which is/was hard to explain, but it translated into more a a cured tobacco accent, without the darker, more smoky notes. At 6% it was full, and didnā€™t feel like it needed to be increased at all. In closing, this one was a crisp, clean, light tobacco leaf, possibly flue cured, with an almost ā€œgreenā€ undertone, with some light earthy tones, but sans the darker smokey notes. You guys know Iā€™m reluctant to review baccos, and scoring them is even harder, but this one seemed to be really on target for a Virginia Tobacco, and Iā€™m scoring it high @ 9.75/10. Not candied like an RY4, and maybe the perfect tobacco for other not tobacco-ers like me.


Correct, and may be the wrong term. Though all our flavour concentrates ripen out in 72 hours in general . If you are only using fruits then it is more like 24-48 hours the same as liquid nic.
Hence the RTV term used


It is a nebulous term and one that I do find to be deceptive for new blenders. SNV is another I find unhelpful, though I am known to list 3 months+ (with one having a year) as steep times for my recipes.


@SessionDrummer I hope you donā€™t mind me bombing in with another recipe, I went through and couldnā€™t see a review of bubble gum. I didnā€™t SFT it but something was telling me to put banana in there with raspberry.

One thing Iā€™ve noticed is these flavours blend well together, and my tester mixes have on the most part turned out decent, this is another example that with a bit of something, something :wink: it would be a complete vape.
The more I try it the more I think a little marshmallow wouldnā€™t go astray.


Fruity Bubble gum in combination or as a sub for the Bubble gum would also like different profiles up out of the Banana and Raspberry


Not at all @marsh8, as itā€™s all related to the SAME flavors. :slight_smile:


In the redskins reloaded and blackstrap liquorice the marshmallow custard at around 2% seems to work well to create a sticky candy impression. So suspect you are on the right track


Looks like I was lucky too! Thanks @Jetz

Just in time for the weekend - I will mix up some recipes.