I bought a Asmodus Vapeporn Vice RDA recently. I’m impressed with the hardware quality, vape quality (cloud AND flavor), and it’s super easy to build on. It’s a great dripper with a nice deep juice well and a keyed AND notched top cap. I haven’t had a single leak. I have been putting in 25 drops as my regular refill. Nice even done 30.
I noticed that myvpro.com has it for $9.99 right now but they only have it in red and I don’t know how many.
No problem Robin! I’d been waiting for some sort eye opening deals all weekend. Sure 20% off is nice, but half off? Yipee. I always try spread the word so you guys can maybe get something before it’s all gone, or the sale is over.
Looks like today’s the last day for the 50% off at 8vape, picked up a bunch of coils and of course couldn’t pass up the Grus for 20 bucks!
i loved my carbon Vsticking but sitting here a couple of weeks back and i hear a strange crackling noise coming from my little front room/office.
I thought, WTF is that?
Followed the sound and here was my Vsticking autofiring away.
Lucky i was home and awake.
I fumbled around and dumped the batteries but it has that burnt electrical smell.
I opened it up and sure enough there is juice on the board.
To be fair, i dropped the bloody thing way to many times.
It was like a floor magnet lol.
I really liked it though, it took the ragnar and aromamizer plus V1/V2 no probs.
I still have a couple of IPV VIT which are basically the same apart from the screen shape and buttons instead of joystick.
Ive had a couple of peeps here tell me about issues with both mods autofiring.
To be fair… It has nothing to do with being dropped!
It has everything to do with the atomizer leaking liquid into the mod!
That’s one of the biggest reasons I’m so extremely picky about what atties I use.
I’ve even seen atties leak through the 510 insulator (with no visible signs of leaking around any orings). Folks mistakenly assume that if the orings didn’t leak, then the atty didn’t leak, and “couldn’t possibly be responsible”.
*I’m not saying that’s what you’re saying, merely sharing instances of things I’ve run across. Usually in person, as well as when diagnosing DOA mods I’ve been sent.
Regardless, the best thing anyone can do if they’re not going to use the mod for more than a couple days: unscrew and remove the atomizer!
Your mod (and wallet) will thank you for it!
Not to mention the fact that you further lessen the risk of an auto-fire situation.
(Very glad to hear you were home and heard it!)
dont use neither Atomizer nor Mod and wallet will thank you for it!
Sry bad Humor. I just tried to open some of this childproof Nicshots 10ml 20mg
made to save the EU…
Only proof of that thingie is i am a child and need a sharp knife. Not so safe.
The whole TDP is just for …ok …EUnuff…
I’ve often wondeed the same things. Had a couple of mods that auto-fired. One was due to leaking juice and the other was not. The RX200 had an atty that had a set of coils installed but no wicks or juice and that board fried so bad that there were scorch marks on the outside of the mod. Lesson learned. Do not leave attys or batteries installed on an unused mod.
yeah youre right.
Juice will get in most mods if you have a leaky atty on them.
The only reason i mentioned dropping it is because on one occasion i picked it up and noticed the metal bit the 510 sits in had come slightly away from the body of the mod.
So the chances of juice finding its way in there were even greater than normal.
i also had a sigelei 213 squonk mod do the same thing just a week earlier.
No warning, hadnt touched the thing for hours.
Just out of the blue starts auto firing all on its own.
Scary stuff.
It would be smart to get in the habit of not leaving atty’s or batteries on/in your mods.