It came out around the time the Pulse Dual did right? They look similar in ways. I’ve read lots of complaints about the Pulse Dual. Auto firing and leaking ect. I haven’t heard much of anything about the DF.
There is a 20% sitewide discount at [] till the end of January. They have great prices anyway but now they are probably the best deal around by far. Hurry!
If size really does matter to you
I almost want it because of the badass name!
Dollar tree in my area has a nice collection of fancy glass bottles with corks… Different sizes too… and they are… A buc! Lol
They just need to offer a series deck for it . I have just purchased series decks for the Asgard Mini and Asgard 30mm
anyone tried the SC titan V2 yet?
No doubt it will be as good as most of steam craves offerings, just wondering about any significant changes/upgrades?
Gawd that things a beast
TBH i always thought it just to big. The ragnar is probably as big as i’d use.
The aromamizer plus line is perfect and for smaller mods the supreme.
I have read that it is produces noticably better flavor then the original. The two significant changes are improved airflow and a cool series/parallel build deck. . I think the airflow is like the Ragnar now, bottom and side flow. The airflow is supposed to be improved with greater and smoother airflow with more airflow control. The new postless deck is designed so you can build parallel or series without having to rebuilding the deck itself , or series-in-parellel and of course it accommodates the new bottom airflow.
Also, the new deck will work with the old Titan and vice-a-versa with the old decks.
thanks jim.
Makes sense theyd go with the newer airflow system.
All sounds pretty cool
I made edits. I looked at a picture and it appears there is not bottom airflow like the Ragnar and plus2. Reading the description it just says improved airflow with greater adjustability.
The biggest difference I can see right off is the wicking. The v2s wicking ports are significantly larger…my biggest gripe about the v1.
Hoping they fixed the juice flow control as well - with my v1…if everything is all snugged down give up on changing the juice flow.
ah ok, so its still the newer type AF with 3,2,1 slots but no bottom?
The original had AF somewhat similar to the original aromamizer plus.
thanks for that ruin, improved wicking to.
I ordered this having forgotten that Steam Crave had a V2 soon to be released. Two days after I ordered this Titan V1 they released the V2.
I meant to post this in vapemail. It fits the topic here at the moment. I went ahead and double posted this
Just a heads up…PP finally got around to suspending purchase at sourcemore. They are setting up cc payment options.
Thanks for the heads up.
I have some info too.
BTW PayPal offers an option to get a “debit card” and it comes out of your account and you are able to use it to purchase vape gear.
Been thinking about looking into the pp card options. Honestly I’m pretty much set for gear though. I like the ft gift certificate option and would prefer sourcemore went that route.
I was LITERALLY about to drop $300-400 last night at Sourcemore on my (hopefully) last stock-up order for awhile & when I was finally done editing my cart, they had announced the PP payment suspension lol foiled again!
I’m paging @muth here bc she knows someone at Sourcemore, maybe she can let them know that we LOVE FT’s option of buying gift cards via PP & spending them on the site that way I much prefer that to using my CC directly on a site as well, except it does get frustrating to always feel like I need to spend my balance (which inevitably results in spending more lol). I’m not allowed a PP account (BS on their end) so I can’t get the debit card option. I just share PP with my dad as we do eBay sales together (basically I deal with the online part on his behalf lol), so I have access to PP when necessary but try to avoid them at all costs after they stole almost $2k from me freezing my account/ funds when a shady buyer scammed both myself & them with false claims, ofc PP sided with them & now I’m out of PP forever. Good job PP! (sorry for the rant, not like I’m still bitter or anything
If anyone doesn’t use for their online purchases, I highly recommend doing so. It’s free & I haven’t had my CC info compromised once since I started using their services!